I am so angry, that motivated me to write this article. I am experiencing my thoughts and notes beeing stolen whole my life. I am done on to not be given credit on my skills, aknowledge, observation.
It came to me as I noticed the short post writing about new feature that was added to an overview here in RC. An estimated read time. I remeber when I was commenting there among three or four first commenting that it seems to me the new feature is founded on probably words included or anything simliar. I was argumenting with my posts with lots of words and the one that consists of small amount of words, with just my artwork. I suggested that people usually watch artworks for longer than less than one minute, which was stated in an overview. I was replied that it is about time readers spended reading my article and that was it. Just now I noticed that this user uploaded an article in which he claimed my first theory and he added some examples of the coments that are ensuring this. I was looking for my comment which was I can say the first with this theory but mentioned short post is not there anymore. I feel frustrated of this, I am facing this whole my life. I cannot claim what intention author of that article had, maybe I wrote my comment in non-understandable way or stuff. But I am sure about one thing, when there is another person who faces this and I am present to it I gladly take a note to others that it was he/she that came up with this idea, thought, theory.... anything.
To what is this conditioned?
I thought about it uncountable hours. Is it like this because of sympathies? Popularity? Self-confidence? Or why? I feel like we are so easy to get manipulated because of this. When there is someone who constantly flatters and cheers on them, they are more up to believe him. Not only believe, but idealize him. Why we cannot just act withour sympathies? Like give credit to who came up first with an advice or idea. I experience this so much, even much more because I am into an artists communities in which this issue is so common.
Why others peoples ideas, even if not improtant or relevant are most important to them, even when there are people that has more wise or logic ideas and they are just ignored? In worse case their original thoughts and observations are attributed to people who are not even able to put together any deep stuff. I am sad, that they are treated like authorities and wise brains just because they are nice and toady-ish. I am not up to it, I am not into symphaties taking place over objectivness.
Just... when someone is wise, give him credit, when someone is creative, give him credit, when someone is helpful, give him credit, it is just one simple thing. I would like to see when every advice or anthing used without given credit to its origin author was uploaded on internet, was sanctioned if there were also people who do not give a fu*k. Sorry for strict words but this is something that triggers me badly.
This is case of which majority of Teslaโs inventions was conceded to and scientists that did not have a clue or knowledge. This is something because of what the wrong people are on wrong seats and because of what we are influenced by a wrong people.
Would love to read your opinions on this topic.
Pleas feel free to express yourself๐
Thank so much for sharing