Suspicious death pt-23

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Avatar for ZenifaAnn
3 years ago
Topics: Fiction, Series

Read previous parts of this fiction story "Suspicious death" for better understand.

I don't understand why Shirley left home. What or that was the mystery. I suffered a lot again and that was probably going to happen. I walked silently from the front of Shirley's house with chest pains. I didn't realize that if I had to leave home, I would be told. I am not having any problem in his family. I came back and in a few days I got a job as a manager in a company. My life was going well but Shirley's place was not being filled. So I got married to forget Shirley. But my mind was anxious to see Shirley's daughter. Because the girl is my own. The girl I married is also very good. All the work of the world can be arranged a lot. The cooking is not like Shirley but it is quite beautiful. I entered a busy life in a few days and almost forgot about Shirley.

5 years later,

As I was leaving for the office, my little girl Brooklyn came up to me and hugged me and kissed me on the forehead. If I have any success in these 5 years, then this little girl of mine is Brooklyn. I kissed Brooklyn and my wife as I walked out. I saw Shirley in a taxi in the distance just as my private car was stuck in a traffic jam. I tried to call Shirley but Shirley could not hear me. I wondered what I would do. In an instant my heart rate increased. My old passion seemed to be playing with me. I followed Shirley again with my car. Shirley's new home is about 50 kilometers from the city. Shirley had her daughter with her. I didn't realize that the girl with Shirley was my daughter. I got out of the car and went to Shirley and Shirley grabbed me as soon as she saw me. I realized that Shirley's love for me had not diminished. I also grabbed Shirley tightly. I asked Shirley how is our daughter and what is her name? Shirley replied, "Her name is Lily and she's as beautiful as a lily flower. I saw my daughter Lily and took her in my arms. Shirley introduced me to her daughter as Uncle. I asked Shirley why Shirley suddenly left the house." Went? Shirley replied to me "I was cooking that night when my husband came. He came home and informed me that we were being transferred to London tonight. Because all his business has been transferred to London. Since there was a flight that night, I couldn't communicate with you anymore. I didn't even have your number. "I realized the secret of Shirley's disappearance. I finished talking like that and went home. Then I almost went to Shirley's house to see my daughter. When I left I would take chocolates for my eldest daughter Lily - because Lily. She loved to eat chocolate ৷ of course Shirley's husband wasn't at home when I left, but believe me I didn't kill Lily's mother, I loved Lily's mother so much, I always wanted Lily's mother and Lily to be very happy.

Part Sherlock Holmes (Morrison)

I am the famous Detective Morrison. Some questions came to my mind when I heard the whole story of Shirley and Mr. Harris. If Harris visits Shirley's house regularly, then Harris must have killed Shirley. Maybe Harris would pressure Shirley to have sex again and Shirley would forbid it. As a result, Harris killed Shirley and Lily. But the main thing now is to prove it. I began to investigate the incident further. I checked all the CCTVs around the scene again and I was able to identify the killer. I went out with the police force to catch the killer. However, two people were involved in the murder. But stay tuned to know who these two are, tomorrow I will unmask the person involved in the main murder of this story.

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Avatar for ZenifaAnn
3 years ago
Topics: Fiction, Series


Nice one...

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Hmm :( not to the bot :'(

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