How to make money online

Avatar for Zayed500
2 years ago


Instragram is one of the most popular social media with more than 1 billion active user.Most of the use instragram for like and followers and fun.But they Don't know they can make money through it.

How we can earn money instragram?

First of all we have to think a topic.than we have to make a instragram page and have to upload photos, ideas about that topic.If you can think a proper topic than people will follow you and share your work.when you have a decent number of followers, you can monetize it and make money.

But intragram will not pay it for you.You have to make way for it. You can make money in 3 ways..

1.Affiliate marketing


3.selling your product or service

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One more website is there which is also extension of Google and it is name as the noise cash from where you can write and you can earn money

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2 years ago

Oh really, Thank you

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2 years ago