Gastric/peptic ulcer

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2 years ago

When the lining of the stomach is damaged for any reason and causes inflammation, that disease is called gastritis in medical language. Many of us call this disease gastric or gastric problems. .This disease can have many causes.

This is not a serious problem in most people.He can recover quikly with treatment.But without treatment it can suffer year after year.

Many people do not have any symptoms of this disease due to bacterial infection. Some people may have the following symptoms:


2.Stomach biting or burning in the abdomen

3.Nausea or vomiting

4.Feeling full after eating

If the lining of the stomach is erosive,than it is called erosive gastritis and it comes in contact with the acid in the stomach, the above symptoms may be accompanied by symptoms like pain, bleeding, or stomach ulceThese symptoms can be sudden onset (acute gastritis) or chronic gastritis for a long time.

When to go to the doctor?

If you have indigestion, you can try to solve it by changing your diet and lifestyle on your own or by taking antacids. .However, before taking antacids on your own, you must know whether this medicine is safe for you, how to take it and the side effect.

Consult a doctor if:

Your indigestion symptoms last for a week or more, or you have severe abdominal pain or discomfort due to indigestion

Problems seem to be caused by any medication.

Blood goes to the vomit or stool, the stool becomes dark or something like coffee beans comes with the What are the tests?

Your doctor may recommend one or more of the following tests.


Stool test : This test is used to see if there is a bacterial infection in the stomach or if there is blood in the stomach.

Breath test : This test is done to see if there is a bacterial infection . Drink a glass of clear, tasteless, radioactive carbonated liquid and blow into a glass.

Endoscopy : A flexible tube is inserted through the throat and carried through the esophagus to the stomach to see if there are any signs of inflammation.

Barium swallow : A solution of a chemical called barium will be given. The solution is clearly visible on X-rays as it passes through the digestive tract and helps diagnose the disease.

The most common causes of this disease are:

1.Bacterial infection (Helicobacter pylori)


3.Regular use of any pain medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen or non-steroidal anti-inflammatoIncidents that put stress on the body, such as major surgery, serious injury or any complex disease

Excessive cocaine or alcohol consumption

In some cases, the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own body. This disease occurs when the lining of the stomach is attackedWhat is the treatment of this disease?

The main 3 goals of treatment are:

1.Reducing the amount of acid in the stomach to alleviate the symptoms

2.Healing the lining of the stomach

3.Find out if there is an underlying cause of the disease and treMedications used:


2.Histamine 2 blockers.

3.Proton pump inhibitors. Example: Omepraz.

You can also do the following 5 things:

1.Repeatedly eating small meals.

2.Avoid spicy and fried foods that damage the stomach.

3.avoid alcohol as much as possible.

4.Give up smoking.

5.Dealing with stress.

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2 years ago
