Army of the dead - I don't like zombies

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Movie, Review, Zachsnyder, Snyder, Netflix, ...

Hi everyone !

I will talk about the last Snyder's movie "Army of the Dead". I know a lot of people are really enjoying it and are saying this is one of the best Zombie movie they saw.
And I can't really say I'm not agreeing.

The only difference is that I don't like zombies. I don't know if that's because I saw too much of them but I can't stand them anymore. Except when there is something more. That's how the Zombieland franchise is probably my favorite.

But you know, I saw the Snyder's cut of Justice League so I decided to give it a chance.

If you don't know what the movie looks like, here's the trailer :

I have to say something. I wasn't expecting a lot from it, and I'm as much disappointed as I am liking it.

When a lot of things are way better than most of those movies, I'm not sure that really makes it really different from most of zombies blockbusters.

The casting is really impressive and actors are making a spectacular work. Dave Bautista is once again showing is acting talent and I'm now more and more waiting to see him with a big role where we'll be able the full potential of his work.

No need to say that I'm already getting excited when I see him in the trailers of Dune.

What is really different from the other zombie movies ?

This time, there is a first zombie, and compared to the other movies, he's not only the first zombie, he's also the strongest, the Alpha.

And I have really few things more to say, but for the few next lines, I really want you to stop if you did not see it and don't want to be spoiled.

The movie has no interest. No value

Who am I to say that ? Nobody, but my sentence doesn't mean what you think.

If the heroes did nothing, the movie would still have the same end.
It starts when a rich man ask them to crack a big vault in Las Vegas which have been totally attacked by zombies and put in quarantine. In the team a lot of people are joining for different reasons. For money, for answers of to help a friend.

Everybody of the team dies except the daughter of the main character. But, no goal have been reached and all the zombies have been killed by a nuke. No money has been gathered, no real answers, and the friends have been killed.

Even the mercenary who wanted to get some zombie DNA to get answers have failed.

That's why I really don't understand the movie. Nothing happened, the only difference between the beginning and the end of the movie is that most of the characters died.

I'm sorry if that was short, but I can't find anything more to say about this movie.

If you have something else to say, please do !

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Movie, Review, Zachsnyder, Snyder, Netflix, ...
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