My greatest dream was to be a soldier. I want to wear that snappy uniform. I want to be highly respected wherever I go. I want my name to be part of history. I want to serve by protecting our country.
These past few months, during the quarantine, I've got the time to think and reflect. I have realized, maybe that dream I really wanted is not meant for me. I prayed for it. I did my best for it but still, it is not given to me.
Maybe it's just me who keeps on insisting and fooling myself that it's for me but the truth is, it's not.
Maybe, God wanted to put me somewhere else. Maybe God is preparing a greater opportunity, a different calling. I am not just listening.
In life, we do not often get all we wanted. There were things that were really not meant for us. And we, should learn to accept that.
Even if we want something for ourselves, God still knows what's best for us.