Read. Cash Impact in my Life

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Avatar for Xzeon
Written by
3 years ago

I was moved by one of the event of @esciisc, though i'm not joining it to give others their chance for the sponsorship because i'm already  sponsored by this generous writer, i might as well share my part on the impact of read. cash in my life.

Everyday, i'm just using my time in my everyday routine such as waking up in the morning, checking my notifs in facebook and messenger then prepare the breakfast, doing the household chores such feeding the chickens, hogs and ducks, do the laundry, a lil bit of gardening, mending clothes of my hyper kids coz' i don't know how they get to tear their clothes while playing. 😅 At night i am watching full movies in my phone,sometimes in youtube. Im addicted to korean novelas, thai, and indian movies. 😁I'm also being active in facebook but not posting much while busy commenting on their unrelevant posts. 😅. Most of the time i do sleep whenever i don't have anything to do and when i'm bored. @Z_graeden comes and visit me sometimes and i do likewise but because of modern technology, we use our gadgets as our means of communication.10 houses away is a bit much of a distance though. 😁

Sometimes i go out to our neighbors' house and listens to their unending gossips🤣. I am not that type of person who ussually stays long in someones house doing the "chismis" thing. But i like listening to their talks, though i will be fortunate if i can hear good news from the total list of topics they are sharing🙄. After that, i will go back to our house again and do the rituals i mean the routines😅. Laundry, cooking, cleaning the house, but in everyday i'm doing it how come i can't just make our whole house spit and span🤔🤷‍♀️🤣.

Few months ago I am fond of signing up links with faucets and airdrops shared by my friends in telegram,fortunately i earned in some faucets, others i don't, because it needs a minimum amount which is so hard to accumulate before withrawing so i gave it up and start another one. That happens again and again but it stopped when my phone was broken. I just got my new one 5 months ago.

Then @Z_graeden shared about read.Cash and send me the link and suggested me to try it, i did signed up. But after reading all the preview i got bored. 😅

Honestly, i never thought of making an article, i feel lazy doing it. Duh! I feel like a highschool kid again doing the homeworks about research, papers and essays. 🤭But i used to love it years back then.

I wasn't active by almost 2 weeks at first. But one boring day, i opened readcash again, explored its buttons and visited communities until i searched @Z_graedens account., i found her posts about our place and i was hooked by it. I said oh why not, it seems interesting to me, i can share something like that too. I also found some photographies, and shared recipes and crafts, So starting from that day, i started following writers which i think their articles are good enough. I asked for suggestions from z_graeden how to earn more and the most exciting is when i earned my very first dollar in 3 days. Its funny i got it in 3 days while others got more in just a day. 😅

I joined giveaways for sponsorship because i'm curious about it and i thought it would give additional earnings. Those faces of other authors on others articles seems enticing. I wondered why i had no one in mine. 😅You know, those are newbies experiences. Then finally i got one then followed by another one. But then, i stopped when i noticed others are using sponsorship giveaways by lil amount only while earning subscribers.

But now i'm sponsoring other writers also without announcing a give away. 🤫 I'm still participating giveaways though but i'm being selective in joining them.

Days turned to weeks then weeks turned to month and i realized that being in read cash is better than being with gossippers. I learned a lot in here, like making a header, logos, pics art from @Dolores, @esciisc, and @Charlotte and @Mj123 as well for challenging about header making though i didn't win but aleast i tried😁. My little kids are curious about the new unussual apps installed in my phone though and asks me what are those😅  i just said, it's about knowledge. 🤣.

One thing is, since i started being here in read.Cash i did not spend money anymore in buying load for my phones' data. I even provided my families load also specially the older ones which they use in their online studies. I also became fond of taking photos of anything that grabs my attention even sometimes my hubby thought of me of being weird 😅.

The most valuable things i gained in read.Cash are having new friends, as usual i won't mention because i don't want to overlook someone. You know who you are guys.
This is the platform where i learned while earning. I discovered new ideas and gained knowledge from other authors. I even realized that i can do better than the ussual things i ussually do. I was encouraged to write despite the fact that i'm not that good  but atleast i did write and share the thoughts in which i think worth it sharing. Now i'm a permanent readcash user and will be one until readcash will leave me. 😁

This is my piece on read cash impact in my life. 😊 I hope you don't feel bored in reading this write up of your humble fellow user.

Sponsors of Xzeon

$ 0.10
$ 0.10 from @z_graeden
Sponsors of Xzeon
Avatar for Xzeon
Written by
3 years ago


I am glad that you are interested in reading more and not being aware of the trivialities of the neighbors.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yea, it's not healthy to listen on gossips you are going to hear from them anyway so why keep staying in that world full of negativities.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The best thing is to always want to progress. That they are not limits for us to grow excuses such as children, age, lack of time etc.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree. All of that you mentioned I considered my challenges. I face that every day. It's just a matter of balance.😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm happy to know that my previous event somehow inspired you to write this. If you joined you'll surely win haha. Indeed rc has changed most of our lives, I mean our daily routines 😊 Now, you're no longer out there to hear about your neighbor's small talks 🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's why I didn't join 🤣jowk! Yes, I am more interested in staying here. There are a lot of things I need to learn that I can't find from gossipers.🤣🤣🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Me too. I'm more interested in staying here, read and write some comments than sharing memes on facebook 😆. When I haven't discovered RC yet there's a ton of shared post on my timeline on facebook but when I joined here it was reduced. Now I barely open my social media accounts, except for instagram where I always share my photography shots and I no longer watched korean dramas because my minds always preoccupied by thoughts about what to blog next 🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha yes... So am i. I am always outdated in facebook already. So if someone asks me didn't you saw it on facebook?( News running in our community) I would just 🙄.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tye impact on you definitely seemed like an amazing one. So you never liked writing before but now your writings have gotten so good

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I only liked it when i was a highschool kid but not that much. I even declined a proposal for being one of school journalist. 😏I am more fond in reading. 😁. I only write for myself like diaries and poems but i don't want an audience so i don't know if i am doing good or needs improvement. That was years ago... I have another story now.... Thanks to the excellent authors in here.. You are one of the list. 😉

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's an honor to be on that list but as i keep saying, the more you read, the better you will eventually be when you apply what you read. Now you can see that all that reading actually paid off now, right?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes... Through reading you can learn a lot. Its this reading i learned how to improve in writing also... That is already a lot. There are many more but don't need to mention. 😉

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am really grateful to read a very good post for you, really Reed Cash is a good initiative and it can enliven everyone

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes dear. Read is a nice place to stay. I am likewise grateful to you for reading my article hope to read good ones from you also. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

How lovely your days of staying on readcash! It's really lovely. I am new so it will help me to stay strike with readcash. Thanks dear.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm glad you find it lovely... Patience and balance helps us to stay longer in readcash. Be immuned to ups and downs will make a better writer here. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yaay... idk what to say, but reading your articles is worth it.. having to manage and balance time as wife, mother and doing all house chores and field works sometimes plus this readcash is just amazing. Am taken with awe how you write and presented your pieces.. readcash really helps in a way or two..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You think so sis? 😁 thank you for reading it patiently. And i agree readcash helped us in some way.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Its a bit long but I read it all. I am related with you on buying load because since I joined readcash I never buy a load on myself, I mean I do Autoloadmax, its also a product of my earnings here in readcash hehe. Readcash has an impact on our life. Even me, readcash has a great impact on my life. I didnt participate to esciisc sponsorship because I want others to participate but I also want to share my thoughts hehe.

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
3 years ago

😁We think the same, giving way to others. Yes readcash has an impact on our lives, it may not be that great but its valuable. Oh you do autoloadmax also.. Yes thru coins.Ph i buy my load, so instead of being charged from load retailers i am being paid by the coins. app. I thank you for reading it all😁. I really appreciate that. 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes hehe and it has 10% rebate pa hahaha.

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
3 years ago

True.. Isn't it practical? 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks to z_graedan ,i found an amazing author.. it's always pleasant reading your writings..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh thanks for considering me an amazing author when i know i am not that good. I am touched. 🤭Nice knowing you also. ❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's really fun to read your journey. The things you learned and how you improved. I also learned a lot here and enjoyed every small achievement happened to me here😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have a good time reading your articles and stories too. I am also glad i found friends like you. 😊❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago