My NFT Birthday Gift From My Little Cousin

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Avatar for Wrinkle
2 years ago

Happy birthday to anyone celebrating their birthday today. Today marks a new beginning in my life as I clock 24. Am on duty in the hospital, so I won't be chanced to celebrate my birthday as usual, even though am not a party freak, I just love my space alone. This year I chose to celebrate it online with my friends on, being grateful for the gift of life regarding the happenings in our world today.

Like I earlier said,  am not a jamboree type of person, so when I woke, my step mom was at the door already singing "happy birthday song for me" my dad was waiting to see me off since it was my special day.
Arriving at the office, my colleague on duty had informed the patients, it was my birthday.
I was so emotional when I heard them sing for me, for the first time, I experience such massive love as a doctor.
Throughout the day, I expected calls and messages from friends but I didn't get them, which made me realized the older we get, the lower our birthday wishes and calls as everyone is trying to get a life, birthday is just an ordinary day.

While everyone was busy with themself, my little cousin took her precious time to draw a picture of me, and she caption "Aunt Janet's NFT" . It so lovely to behold, though the drawing doesn't look like me but the fact it was a gift, makes me appreciate it.

My NFT gift from my little cousin

The fact which stared at me was, as we age our choices changes, I still remembered how busied my call lines were in the past,  just because it was my birthday. But that fact as changed now as most friends are either married, busy with work or dealing with personal stuffs, so it was okay if they forgot it was my birthday.
Since am single and doesn't have a partner to make today a special day, aside my amazing patients, I felt quite isolated on my special day.
So I chose to make myself my priority today and that's why am writing this article;

•  If there is anyone out there who feels isolated on their birthday.
•  To remind myself that am aging and so are my friends, that I shouldn't expect their messages like previous years.

Though I was on call in the hospital, I was relieved of my duty just to celebrate myself, all by myself. When I got home, everyone had gone to work, so I was alone.
So am sharing tips on how to celebrate your birthday party alone;
1) Play Your Favorite Song : I told you I wasn't a party freak, but when it comes to singing, am always present. I had to select my favorite playlists Which is R & B, search for the lyrics and I started singing. At first it was boring but after listening to it for a period of time, I began to enjoy it. Remember singing is a form of exercise, which relieves the body of stress.
Thats was what I did, I know a lot of people don't like singing, you are free to play your favorite music and dance to the beat. Of cause it's your birthday, so no one will judge you for dancing, no matter how silly or funny you dance. We have different dance steps, you could even try dancing like Michael Jackson, hahaha! I won't even dare try it, I might fall and break my head.

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2) Create a special activity for yourself : What I did while returning from work, I had to stop by the ice-cream shop to get some chocolate ice cream, which is my favorite flavor. You may decide to go get coffee, eat your favorite soup at the canteen, take a stroll in the neighborhood, just to admire the beautiful landscape or you could visit the cinema. All this will make your lonely birthday celebration memorable.

3) Visit the Orphanage Home : Though I didn't do this, but I know visiting such homes and being the reason, why they are happy, will so gladen my heart. I had intentions of doing it, but the recent post pandemic guidelines has made visitations into such places.

4) Write out your goals and evaluate those for previous year : though the Day was set aside for celebration, do well to write out what you wanted to archieve in this new phase of your life. You don't just have to celebrate all through, evaluate your previous goals, how many of them were you able to achieve, how many have you rolled over into your new age. That's what keeps me busy when having a lone time.

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Avatar for Wrinkle
2 years ago


A very happy birthday to you Wrinkle, wishing you all the good things life has to offer.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As we aged our birthdays become just an ordinary but it doesn't mean we should also felt like ordinary as we are still special no matter how much we age, it's just sometimes we prioritize our responsibility than celebrating it. However as you said we can still enjoy and celebrate our birthdays by our own way on how we want to celebrate it. Enjoying your day, strolling or listening your favourite music is indeed a great way to make our day special. Anyhow happy birthday dear. I wish you good health and happiness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for your beautiful advice, I so appreciate it... 😍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hope i am not late for the birthday wishes. Happy belated birthday wrinkle, more wins on your new age. I love that NFT more than you do. Haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The most beautiful thing about that gift is the intention behind its strokes, congratulations on your birthday, I never like my birthday, I get very sad, but you always have to thank thank you for another day, by the way my birthday is on Sunday, so you are a Taurus just like me!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes I am...happy birthday in advance

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Someone once said that if a child gives you a stone, appreciate it because they child could have given someone else but chose you. I'm glad you appreciated that rare and cool NFT. Happy merry birthday too 🤗🤗🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much . I appreciate

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy birthday Wrinkle, that NFT is cute and funny, lol. Wish you lots of happiness and good health.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago