How To Boost Your Focus Level….(2)
This is the continuation of the series we started some days back.
Focusing should be a thing of concern to every individual both children and adults. A man who can't concentrate is less likely to be successful, that is why concentration should be our topmost priority. Regardless of the wealth you've accumulated, if you are not focused you could lose them in seconds.
They are so many attributes attached to someone who isn't focus and they include; wasteful, regretful, greedy and arrogant. A man who cannot manage is time properly, might end up using the time for one activity for another. Let's assume, he wants to go to the grocery store by 1'oclock, he ends fiddling with his phone till the fixed time expires, he might end up using more time and at the end of it all, he waste his whole day pressing his phone.
Here is a list of steps to follow which will help you maximise your time and increase your focus level;
6) Don't Multitask
Alot of people wants to get their jobs done with ease and so they tend to carry out multiple task at once. This seems so easy and convenient and looks much like you are conserving time but in real sense you are wasting your time. You have to finish one task before going to the next one. This will help reduce distractions and therefore boost your focus level. You want to study for an examination or you have an appointment with the doctor, it is always advisable you go for the most pressing one first.
That's why, it is necessary you have a scale of preference for all activities. Imagine your friend visiting you and you are studying. Then she comes up with interesting gist while you are trying to study, it's best you close your book and concentrate on her as dismissing her will be too rude. Same thing while driving, it is wrong to answer your calls while on the steering, you may not be able to decipher the kind of message you will be getting from the caller, which could mess with your emotions, thereby reducing your focus level.
7) Maximise the early hours of the day
We lose track of what time of the day it is while waking up with our mobile phones, wasting meaningful time scrollling through our phones. It has been proven humans gets to understand better in the morning. Moments when your brain is still active.
Same time we wake to go on social media and to watch videos on youtube. After exhausting your early hours doing nothing. You are back struggling how to make your day counts, by this time your focus level is really down. And that's why individuals struggle to keep up with lost time.
Having a good sleep to maintain the internal body clock is also important. You don't have to stay late in the night, allow your body rest. Maintain sleeping for over 5-6 hours to help your brain and boost your focus level.
8) Have Intermittent Breaks
I know the workload is too much but trying to finish it on time, also requires you have breaks. The maximum duration you need is for 3-4 hours, after which it is required you take a break. This breaks allows your brain assimilate vital information.
Always have it at the back of your mind, if you don't rest, your body will force you to get one. So having short breaks while focusing will help boost your concentration level.
I used the think while in school, I do study for 3 hours after which I go on a break. I discovered I was about to recall 80% of what I read. Which to me was a major breakthrough.
Taking short breaks is really important to boost our focus level.
High success rate isn't gotten from a disturbed or unsettled mind. It is always required you are focused on what you are doing. And working for long hours will only get you tired and make the work boring. Which reduces the chance for you to be focused, but if you introduce short breaks in between, you will achieve a lot.
Another factor you need to consider is your body's circadian rhythm, you need to sleep when it is needed, as forcing yourself to focus when your brain needs rest, will only be detrimental to both your health and what you were trying to achieve.
Do have a blissful day.
All images used are from
Focus is just like fuels or pusher which pushes you towards your goal smoothly without any problem. If we focus on different things at the same time then we will end up with a huge pile of unfinished work and a heavy heart so it is better to do one task at one time. These are really good advices which you have said,I will try to follow them.