Papa said:I can have a relationship at 20

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2 years ago

What age did you enter into a relationship,like boyfriend or girlfriend ?Maybe during highschool days,or as early as 13 to 15 years old.I and my daughter had a conversation yesterday about our neighbor who is 15 years old girl and already had a boyfriend and visited her every weekend.And my daughter always go there because her best friend is the sister of the girl.My daughter seems like a little "Marites๐Ÿ˜…",because when she come back home,she will tell me that ,the boyfriend bring food to her girlfriend,like pizza,apples and groceries ,"seems like they are married ,mama,my daughter said.(she's 9 years old)

And yesterday she again tell me that the boyfriend have planned to buy his girlfriend a new cellphone.And I'm asking my daughter ,"are you envious baby girl?"She said,a big NO,papa told me that I should have a boyfriend when I'm 20.And I just laughed at her,and I see that she's really serious in following her father's words.I was joking to her that she will have a boyfriend at 38, and she said ,I'm old in that age ,Mama,"at 60 my dear".She has a weird answer ,"okay,I saw on videos online that a 60 years old gave birth of two babies,she replied to me.

And I told her,"don't believe everything that you can see online".It's true,she said,it's not fake videos ,Ma.

I can say that children's believe what they saw ,they don't mind whether it's fake or not,that is why as parents we should be watchful in our children when they browse online.

Back to my topic,I can't conclude what appropriate age should a girl get married.But,as to my personal experience and observation,it's very important to marry at the right age.When both couple are in the state of being ready,and committed to a lifetime contract,when there is already a heart who is willing to share pockets ,responsibilities and oneself,no to selfishness at all.

Let me just share ,my friend had already living in with his girlfriend at the age of 19,and her girlfriend was 17.They lived in one roof ,and had a baby,after 2 years,they got separated because of some issues,like money.And the girl was not yet ready to become a full time mom,that's why she leaved her daughter at home alone and go to her friends,to make the story short.There was a fight with the both of them because of that,and later on,the baby is the one who suffered for being left behind.The situation was kind of devastated,we may not see visual debris but when I can see the innocent baby who is left with the grandmother,it makes me cry most of the time.As much as possible,being in a appropriate mindset can prevent another innocent babies to become fatherless or motherless.

For girls ,18 years old is already allowed to get married,because it's already in a legal age.

But for me,it doesn't depend on age ,it depends with the few things or more that I've mentioned already.Some people say,at the age of 26-28 is the right age.It depends in us whether we are ready or not.Why do I say,"ready",because being in a relationship will give us a lot of challenges,temptations,adjustments and conflicts.In any relationship,there is always a problem in any aspect.

Mostly, a lot of couples who are on a relationship,specifically teenagers ended up to break up,I mean not all,but mostly,just like what had happened here in our place recently.

It's hard to say,or give an advice with these ages or teens,when they start to feel attraction.It can give them adrenaline to become active and sometimes disobey their parents for the sake of satisfying themselves.

I can say,that they need guidance and open communication between parents or guardians with their teens.Maybe I can experienced this in the coming years when my daughter reached this age.I'm afraid,that she will fall in love at early age,hehe,because I know how hard to control such kind of feelings.

On the other hand,I have observed that teenagers who are focused in their dreams and have a motivation with their families,support and full of love are achiever.

I was watching a movie yesterday,and I can't forget the line when they said"I wonder if humans will not fall in love,I shouldn't be hurt this way" .When it comes to relationship and feelings , humans cannot guarantee to be a 100 percent stable and in control,that's why there's no proven appropriate age that will give us assurance that relationship will be smooth and better .

Constant connection with our teens,and and guiding them,is what we can do.In reality,we can't control their mind and heart.But we can tell them the possible scenarios if they will already into a relationship.

For the young heart,

If you fell in love

At the very young age

Don't play with love

But be responsible in loving

Love will make you grow,teaches you too

Be sure to your commitments

First things first

Don't let yourself

End up in regrets ๐Ÿ’•

Regards to all of you .

It's raining so heavy while I'm writing this article.

Finished:April 11,2022
At:3:48 pm

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2 years ago


More than anything else, maturity is needed in marriage. It has nothing to do with age. We have overgrown babies around who have wives or husbands but still behave like idiots.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Get married when you're mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially ready ;)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True sis. There is no perfect time to get married . Dapat ready muna ang bulsa mo at puso mo kung anuman ang mangyari.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

13 ako teh, di alam ng oarents ko un. Nung nalaman nila nagalit ng sobra si dad ๐Ÿ˜…

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2 years ago