I have no doubt God has to be the most creative personality ever, just take a look at how much of a beauty has been made off nature, from the high mountains to the low valleys, to the terrifying calm of the ocean, to the frightening blast of fires. The plain fields of green grass are a delight to walk along, the lakes are a revitalization to the soul, to pour out our inner heat. Never forget the skies, the clouds appears so intriguing, I could spend hours looking at the clouds trying to understand the diagrams its giving to us today. How about all its inhabitants, from the insects, to creeping creatures, to the beastly animals up to humans. All well created, all and everything perfect the way they are.
When I read up on the creation story, especially the part when it says "And it was good", indeed I can see for myself that it was good, oh great infact. I can only wonder what masterpiece our creator has made, what inspiration could all this have possibly come from. If I choose to study deep on nature and its amazement, I bet I would keep on meeting and observing something new things each time, there are always something new to note, as little as something not previously taken note of but now catching your fancy, or something totally new to you as though they just came out of hiding. Nature is truly amazing, it my one validity to know there is indeed a higher power making it all.
They were all made once and made so they can reproduce theirselves, our creator doesn't create new nature or animals every day, but has made it self reproducing, however has placed human as the guardian to ensure it's all working properly. This is why we must care for nature as it's not only our environment, it's also our task. Stepping outside to see the best producers yet again, can never get enough. Nature is the best producer, it has it all, any and everything you see today has it originations from nature, without taking a source off nature I wonder what we can get.
The foods, furnitures, lights, waters, natural deposits, all things coming from the simple creation of God, then by amazing knowledge the naturally existing substances are transformed into mind blowing inventions, who could have wondered that the waves of waters or the biowaste products should be converted into electricity that would be very important to human lives as it is always in use. Sometimes I wonder how people can phantom of deriving somethings from other things, but more amazing is the God who place all resource down knowing fully well they would be enough to transformed the natural looks of the world, and satisfy our needs.
We must continue to strive to preserve as many historical landmark and wildlife as possible, our quest to transform our world is never to extinct what we came to see, rather to preserve, already with the rate of human activity already going on, its likely that the few generations coming would have little or nothing to see, maybe our stories or documentary would be the only source to viewing it all, but with a deliberate action to conserve and preserve, especially with useful help from the government.
Remember the dinosaurs, how amazing it was to read on them, and to see their amazing figure and frightened nature, we could only wish we can see them upclose, so strong, many believe its just a myth and they never really existed, but archeological diggings how seen remains that can be traced back to the dead long dinosaurs, and as we continue to go, more and more people would keep thinking it was only a fairy tale, before it completely leaves the minds of people that such things ever existed.
How much more of our God given deposits would go extinct before we realize that each generations has the sole mandate to preserve and contain our Natures habitats, not just the animals alone, plants too. The lesser the usefulness as a plant, the lesser we are likely to preserve it, and might likely go extinct, I only wonder how many undiscovered plants we still have in the world today.
These plants have made a lot of help to our medical world, the herbal benefits are enormous, most deadly disease and sickness are having their cure sprouting up and residing in a plant, once located and extracted, that's the end to such menace caused by the illment. To this reason too we should preserve our plants consciously, so we don't find out that the plant having the phytochemical component to fight a terrible illment once existed but now its no where to be found, lets preserve both the plants and the animals alike.
Talk also about culture, our way of lives growing up, those unique family trait, are we still actively carrying on the legacy, or has education and civilization stolen it all away. So many cultural heritage long ago, but how many of them today can we find. Now its the usual Christmas, new year and Easter festivities, oh and the everyday mothers day and once father's day, apart from this few we are just having a usual time. Though some culture are rather inconsiderate and so it needs some restructuring, however not a complete annihilation, the forefathers deserve to know their works are still being appreciated.
Nature is truly amazing, God being the creator of it all is undoubtedly the most creative and most brilliant, take a look at yourself and what you can do, aren't you just spectacular. All he made was good, the fishes, the birds, land animals, plants, the thrilling forests, all just in line to beautify our world as well as attend to our needs. Conservation is very important to us and we must teach the importance of it also to the coming generation.
Thanks For reading.
Yes, everything we see is a testament of God's glory and his wondrous works are all amazing but sometimes we tend to overlook it.