Lies We Tell To Save

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We do this most of the times, and we do it out of a selfless spirit, we don't want someone to get hurt, oh how would they take the news, it feel so threatening when we think of their response to the truth, wouldn't she flare up, wouldn't he get more frustrated, would they beat me up so bad. They so are not ready for the truth, maybe later I'll find a way to bring it clean to them, I'll find the right timing to let it out, a time I'm sure would be best and have minimal negative effect. Well, if only we truly get that perfect timing, cause each passing day might just create more and more reasons to sink deeper in the lie.

Surely the truth surfaces sooner or later, sometimes it comes out from us when we feel like it's time to say it out, and actually it could be a smart move you withdrawing it from them till that time. Otter times it could be the wrongest decision you've ever made, the way the truth would overtake you, running ahead to get to them, thereby painting you in the way you never intended it to be. Oh I was only trying to protect you and all that might not matter again, cause you lied to me, when did you intend on letting me know, or would you ever let me know?, I'm so disappointed at you. And there you're startled, like how did I get here.

There is no way to fully ascertain and say here it is, this is the right time to let someone know this or not, or to say never ever withhold the truth from someone even for awhile, as it might be the best option at the moment. The best thing I guess is to find more about how receptive the person would be and try to let the truth out in the best possible time. That first day might not be idle when you get to find out about the person especially for more sensitive issues, and sometimes you'll realize it's best to just say it now and get it over with.

Moreover it's not easy on us either, trying to conceal matters we know are important, just to secure someone or something else, sometimes it's best that we let it off our chest cause its killing us inside. As much as possible we want to be right but then we still want to be nice, and this isn't best of friends most of the time. Being right is doing the right thing regardless of its effect and who gets hurt, and being nice is trying to care for others feeling so much that we can take the burden upon ourselves, well until it really hurts us so bad. Being nice has often not be as rewarding as we thought it'll be.

The society too wouldn't strive better with nice guys here and there, for justice to prevail we need people to be right, right at all times, you do something bad or you see something bad, the right thing to do is to correct it, maybe by reporting to the needed authorities even if it means reporting yourself, moreover thank God there is a lighter sentence when the culprit comes clean. The harder part could be to cover up for someone else, where the nice guy comes in. Someone somewhere may be more affected than you think and the world is waiting for you to say the truth.

So to this I say we do the right thing, that is to say the truth, maybe, just maybe find the perfect timing for it, but please at the shortest possible time. Sooner or later the truth comes, it would offer them earlier time to heal. We concealing the matter might just be postponing the hurt and the hate to a future day, a day that would surely come, and we would still deal with it. Still without a doubt, it could be best to hold it a while especially when such person has been through a lot already, but still at the shortest right time, cause they would still deal with it, like it or not.

Most times we told lies to save a marriage or relationship, before we know it, that marriage is still in chaos, the truth finds it's way. Other times we tell lies to cover for a friend, maybe for trust or so but only end up being dragged alongside the mess. Sometimes we tell lies to help someone who was already hurting feel better at the moment and I still can't say if that it good or bad, cause it can really save the moment, but how about when the truth finally comes, wouldn't you be opening the wounds fresher and more painful than it already was. Time heal, so the truth should be said so that time can start its work on it.

The earlier the better, time is a doctor like no other, it can help us get over the deepest of emotions. Time can heal the most painful of situations, it might seem as though the truth would be so painful, but what is really happening is that we have taken the person to the doctor earlier, so the doctor can start its treatment as soon as possible. Time is the doctor, the truth is the call for the doctor to come. Say the truth today, time would do the rest. Just try to stay and live rightly, not necessarily nicely.

Thanks For Reading.

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No matter,how much we hide truth but it will surly come out oneday, so instead telling lies to save anything we should speak truth to face the consequences.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

So true, though we must confess that it isn't easy. But still we must keep trying.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If a statement is considered a lie because you saved someone's life or even just emotions with such words, then I don't think we are getting the definition well... Lies don't save life but sometimes, they protect them...

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Hmmm, really deep. Indeed you're not wrong, lies dont save, how could it save, when it's the opposite of the truth that sets one free.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

I'm glad you get my point

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes I do get it. 💪💪💪

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well to say the truth is good but sometimes it's better to lie and save someone's life then maybe later you can let the person know the whole truth because the truth will always set your soul free

$ 0.03
3 years ago

I too can understand, well let's ensure we are trying to let the truth out in the shorter possible time.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I strongly agree with this champ. Truth maybe painful but it will surely set us free. I'd rather be hurt by the truth that be comforted with a lie.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

That's so right, the truth should be let out and set free at all cost.

$ 0.00
3 years ago