Is This Love Or Hate - A True Story Part 2

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3 years ago

Quick Recap

Jake had formally asked kylie out but she turned him down, and she went ahead to date Jakes friend Robin, this got Jake furious. Jake on the other hand has a female friend Eve who loves him so much but Jake doesn't love her as much. Cause of the shame of being turned down by Kylie, Jake had gone ahead to ask Eve out and she agreed, but she has been enduring the relationship because Jake doesn't care really.

Jake was hell bent on getting Kylie as she is who he loves truly but Kylie doesn't care for Jake rather she's agrees to date another of Jakes friend Robin. Jake and Robin has gotten into a heated fight and since Robin is furious because Jake punched him over an unnecessary argument, began to say hurtful words to Jake and this words got Jake to wanting to take drastic measures to teach Robin a lesson, well he of course is jealous that Robin got the girl he couldn't. Have you read the part 1 of this story? If not you can easily pause on this, go and read up the previous article and return to this, that way you'll catch a full understanding of what's going on.

The Story Comercilessly.

It was a cold night and Kylie was getting ready for bed, her parents are home, while she's in her room chatting with friends before she calls it a night. Just then her phone rang, it was a strange number, she doesn't have it saved on her contact list, well she picked up eventually. It was a female voice. Hello who am I speaking with Kylie asked definitely, the lady in the other end didn't respond to that question, just went straight to the business of the day, hello Bitch, you think you can steal my man away with your charms, I'm coming for you, you ******** , you can imagine what insults those could be. It was surely not a wrong number as her name was mentioned from time to time in tune with the insults.

At last the phone hanged up, and Kylie is now more confused that before, is Robin having an affair that he didn't tell me about, who's boyfriend am I snatching away, oh Robin, what has Robin done to me, I don't want no trouble, she couldn't sleep no more, she had tried calling Robin multiple times but it wasn't connecting. Robin hasn't informed her of the fight he got into with Jake. Its morning and Kylie is more scared than before, what if she gets run down by the angry Lady from last night, what it a group of thugs gets hired to beat her mercilessly. What have I gotten myself into. I need to see Robin, and so she went over to Robin's place, she saw Robin inside and new something was wrong, her initial plans was to act angry so Robin would know she's damn serious.

Well, they both sat to talk about what had happen to both and they had concluded that Jake and his girlfriend are going to be avoided from henceforth. They can't keep such relationship with those guys anymore, they are proving toxic. Jake is on the other side planning a way to get back at Robin, to hurt him real bad. The plans are set and ready, its time to initiate game plan.

Its the morning of the next day, Kylie mom has called Robin to demand that he starts coming over to the hospital, as Kylie was unconscious from being raped and beaten. Robin had come to the hospital feeling sad, he saw Kylie really helpless, tears fell down his cheek. He had a clue of who could be responsible, so he called Kylie father and naratted the occurrences to him, who in turn quickly called the police and they set out to arrest Jake. Jake was not in town yesterday, so he couldn't possibly be the one. Then who.

Why did you leave town yesterday Jake, asked by the interrogation officer,I went to see a friend, what friend, what is his nane, here Jake didn't plan what name or who could have said, probably he didn't think it would start so quick. The interrogator has making findings, Jake phone has been investigated, only to find out that Jake had hired two mafias to hijack Kylie along the road and rape her. Which they did and covered their track, but the hunch that Jake must be involved was the beginning and it was gradually paid off. Jake left town so as to cover his track, he knew he would be suspected. Luck wasn't on his side though.

Jake currently is serving time in jail, the identities of the mafias he employed to do his dirty biddings has been exposed and also arrested. Eve, my dear Eve has no choice but to move on, I guess she would learn to see through love and love rationally next time and not just leading via emotions alone. She has the full story now and has gone to apologize to Kylie for the call threat, yes like you probably guess, it was Eve threatening Kylie over the phone. I still wonder whenever I think about the affections of Jake to both Kylie and Eve, where those love or was that hate. I still love my friend, but I hope he learns better. Robin and Kylie are still together, still waxing strong. Though not married yet, but it sure is looking promising.

The End.

Thanks for reading guys. Your comments are most welcomed.

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3 years ago


Kilig na yarn😍😍😍😊😊😊 hahah.. well done ☺️

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Thanks a lot, I'm glad you enjoyed it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

so impressive story ✌

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Thanks a lot Kiran.. I'm glad you love it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's my pleasure

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3 years ago