Hello read.cash users and supporters! I just want to share with you the idea that comes to my mind about read.cash. But first, I will start this by asking you if it is possible for read.cash to also become a downloadable app? I just hope it is.
I just thought that it would be great if read.cash has its own downloadable app. It will also be very convenient and efficient to use if it will also become an application. There are many money earning platforms that transformed themselves as downloadble app for conveniency and efficiency for its valuable users. We know that sometimes when our browsers went something wrong, we won't be able to open any websites. This is one of my concern that I came up with this kind of idea and it's kind of a solution to existing problems to our browsers that causes us to not open read.cash.
I'm not saying this because I don't like read cash the way it is, I just only want to share with you the idea that will help read.cash grow more and be very convenient for the users.
Let me know what you're thinking about my idea. I hope you like it.
I agree with you. It would be more efficient and effective is read cash were to be an app. Smart thought.