My Never have I ever: School Edition II

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2 years ago

Date: Saturday, April 23rd 2022.

A couple of days ago I made a post, My Never have I ever: School Edition. It was fun going through all the emotions, nostalgia and all that stuff. Finally we've come to the second and concluding part of the prompt.

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If you want you could go check out the first part of the prompt. But, right now let's get to it.

Skipped school to do something fun

Yeah... I remember this one time I left home to go to a friend's. He had this PlayStation 2 game at the time. It was on a Friday, so I was not kind of worried about anything at that point. Plus, it was after examination, but students sometimes come to play all sorts of games, some of them go for dance practise while the serious ones help the teachers collate results for the concluded exams. It was usually a fun period. I had fun!

Had a serious Injury at school

Well, now that I think back on this... I have. Okay, so this happened: we were playing a game in class, right? It was during rest period. (This was usually the time students get to cool off after the days unending lecturing). As I remember, an argument ensued between me and this other guy.

So, in the heat of it I threw a duster on his face. The next thing I knew everything went dark rather quickly. (You must know what I mean?). Soonafter I opened my eyes in the Headmaster's office, recieving treatment on my already cut brows. The culprit got a whooping and suspension. I heard news afterwards that most of the students thought I had died. Can you imagine that?! It was a memorable experience.

Enjoyed Studying

Honestly, I never enjoyed Studying. Every moment was like torture, especially when I prepared for the external exams. Arrgh! I was like, "is there no end to all of the reading?!". Lol.

Hit someone hard

No. I haven't done that. I was at recieving end more than once thought. See why I hate bullies? :D

Played a Prank

I can't remember if I did anything like that, either.

Stuck a funny note on someone's back

Lol. No. I saw that done a number of times to the other students, but never to me. Perhaps, they were scared of me. Who knows?

Impress someone who disliked me

No. I have never done that, too.

Acted cool to get attention

Have I, now? Yes. Who wouldn't, really? I wanted to get the girls to notice me. I must tell you though, it never worked. :(

Stolen someone's lunch


Taken part In a school play

I acted in a number of plays, once as King Solomon. The other time as a Father to a wayward child. I prefer to not speak of the last one. Lol.

Won In Sports

My class never did win any competition we played in. It happens.

Gone on a field trip

Nope. I never went on any field trip as a student. That part wasn't on the school's to-dos it would seem. :(

Had a water fight

Nope. No water fights, either. (What are we children!?). :D

Threw ink at someone


Sent a love note.

Lol. Lol. Lol.

Yes. I did send a love note to someone. A girl. (No funny thoughts, okay?). I actually didn't do it myself. I had to send a friend of mine to help me slip it in her bag when she wasn't looking. Although my gullible self didn't realise she'd figure out my handwriting, cos' I gave most of notes to most of them in class. And sometimes I write out on the board for some lazy teachers. Our relationship became awkward after that. Although we remain good friends now. Smiles.


Hello, everyone.

That concludes my school edition of Never have I ever. Fun, isn't it? Well, I'll go do something useful now.

Thank you for sticking with me.

Until we read again.


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2 years ago


Honestly, I never enjoyed Studying

It's quite the opposite for me.. I enjoy studying, learning and gaining new knowledge!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I felt like I had to study regardless, cos' I had an upcoming exam at the time. Gradually, it changed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I did skipped school because I was so addicted on a noon time tv show😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lol. I wouldn't dare leave school for that, you know? 😂🤭

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was top in my school life. I never left school.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah... Not everybody would top in their classes. I wasn't the top student. Nice to meet you. :-)

$ 0.00
2 years ago