Everyone has bad days, they're some days where nothing seem to be going your way and the whole world looks like it's crashing on you.
​Sometimes in such situations, you find yourself lost deep in thoughts, you tend to overthink in the process of seeking for a solution to your problems.
​In a situation where you find yourself feeling depressed and lost deep in thoughts, it's always advised to engage in activities that will help clear and free your mind from the burden it has on it.
Personally, I've been in such situation many times and it sometimes become very difficult for me not to overthink or feel depressed.
What makes me feel better whenever I experience such is to engage in sporting activities, I do play football a lot, so whenever I tend to over think or show any signs of depression I simply pick up my boots and head straight to the football field in my area to play some football with friends, playing football helps me forget that I've got any problem so I think less and refresh my mind with it.
Another strategy for me is talking with someone close, you can talk to somone who is ready to listen to you, someone who will tell you not to worry that everything will be okay and equally give advice on how to go about your problems.
​So those two are the method I use whenever I tend to overthink or feel depressed.
​How do you overcome overthinking and depressing situations, what strategies do you use?
Its well