Prayer - what & how
Prayer is an act of communication or intercession to our creator. It's not just any kind of communication but a deliberate communication in the sense that one's mind and heart is being lifted to God and then the father - child communication
When we lift our hearts and minds to God, we offer ourselves just the way we are to him. We tell him what is really going on in our minds whether good or bad thoughts but then we rarely do that. We feel it's only when we have good feelings towards God,others and nature.We think it's not right to lift vile and impure thoughts to God who is holy and pure so instead we rather choose to come to him when we are in need of something, or is asked to pray for formality sakes or when we feel our instincts are pure but that's not all that is fit for prayer. We are not perfect neither are we holy. We experience other thoughts good and mostly bad thoughts like Obsession, anger, boredom, tiredness, doubt, bitterness, selfishness or even distaste for church. Its at this time we need prayer the most and we should go for it. All feelings is a valid point of prayer. If yoy are sexually obsessed, lift up your sexual fantasies; if you're bitter, lift up the bitterness; if you're tired don't be afraid to let God see it, tell him about it.
God loves us no matter what we feel and do. No wonder Jesus says if we must be like little children to enter his kingdom. Children do not hide their feelings, their frowns and pouts. They are completely honest with their feelings and a good mother will handle that with a smile. God is capable of handling that task. Will you be comfortable with him?
Everybody prays but what is prayed for?
We pray about many things like God should change our situation, that God should provide for us, that God should heal the sick and feed the hungry and so much more. Most times we are already envision how we want God to intervene. For example we pray that God bless us and then envision that it will happen by someone gifting it to us or getting a high paying job etc. We keep hoping and waiting praying for an answer using the already envisioned idea. When it doesn't come, we get disappeared and feel God has failed us or God is a delayer but prayer doesn't change things but changes us and then we change things.
God gives us ideas -Help us to change our mindset about things which inturn opens our eyes to ideas, opportunities and discovery. If it's an attitude that needs to be changed, he tells us.
God guides and leads us. He shows us the path to follow to get the best of that idea. He gives us strength and then it's left for us to use what he has given and shown us to change things. Mother theresa said she used to pray for answers but now she prays for strength because prayers changes us but we change THINGS
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Happy Sunday!
A life without communication with his creator is powerless