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Written by
2 years ago

What do you do to promote your blog and content?

So, you are a blogger, and you write almost every day on ReadCash and elsewhere. You must be sharing your blogs in NoiseCash and elsewhere on social media. Some people see it, read it, and clap on it. Some members of your blogging community support your blog and write comments.

  • What is your strategy to spread your articles/content to the members of the native platform? Say, to the ReadCash members on ReadCash, or to the NoiseCash members on NoiseCash?

  • How to appeal to them so that they engage with your blogs/content?

I follow a simple strategy of reciprocation on every content publishing platform.

I try to reciprocate each and every engagement of my fellow bloggers/creators.

I always reciprocate on a blogging platform

The first question you may ask (or already know) is, "What is reciprocation?"

Reciprocation is a nice word in the English dictionary.

If someone helps you, you also should try to help that person whenever they need it.

When someone engages in my blog, I always try to give it back

Graphics: Photo by Andres Ayrton from Pexels

Reciprocation is an easy process.

One requires to return every bit of support from the community.

  • If someone clicks a "Like," you may also explore their blogs. Unfortunately, "Likes" clickers' information is hidden here. On LinkedIn and many other blogging platforms, you can see who has clicked the "Like."

  • If anybody writes a comment on your blog, you must reply to the comment. Fortunately, the comment writers' identities are publicly visible on ReadCash and NoiseCash.

  • Additionally, it is also a good gesture to upvote a token amount of tips. ReadCash and NoiseCash have customized tipping features.

  • It is a good practice to explore the blogs/content of the bloggers who have engaged in your blogs/content and engage with appropriate upvotes and comments.

Reciprocation may be compared with two-way communication between two persons. When one person says, the other person patiently listens and vice versa.

Reciprocation can help improve blogging engagement

Algorithmic reward from the platform may depend on various factors not explicitly known to the common bloggers. Thus, the platform's rewards are not in the hands of the bloggers.

The overall engagement, such as views, "Likes," comments, and shares of blogs, can be significantly improved by the level of reciprocation.

Predictive conclusion and recommendation

  • Reciprocation can play a significant role in having a good engagement on online blogging platforms.

  • If a blogger fails to reciprocate the blogging engagement of their fellow bloggers, the overall engagement may suffer in the long run.

  • I may go one step further and comment that "Reciprocity is the key" in getting a decent engagement in the blogging field.

So, why are you waiting? Go and start reciprocating each and every engagement of your fellow bloggers and content creators.

And, it applies to every online content publishing platform - ReadCash, NoiseCash, Publish0x, Odysee, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.

Reciprocity is also the key to having a successful partnership and relationship.


I have been practicing STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. I develop solutions for password and cybersecurity relevant to blockchain and cryptocurrency.

If you like, you may follow my writing communities and submit relevant articles:

Thanks to my sponsors, whose names appear in the "Sponsor" pannel.

I wish all members of the blogging community strive here and elsewhere.


Text Copyright: Unity

Lead Image:  I created a GIF with my text title and a Photo by Andres Ayrton from Pexels. All other graphics and videos are credited just below it.

Disclaimer: All texts are mine and original. Any similarity and resemblance to any other content are purely accidental. The article is not advice for life, career, business, or investment. Do your research before adopting any options.

Unite and Empower Humanity.

I am also on Noise.Cash ... click the link if you are there.

February 23, 2022.

$ 15.71
$ 15.19 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.07 from @SolarPhasing
$ 0.05 from @Eybyoung
+ 11
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Written by
2 years ago


Interaction with others is the way to grow your account here. Engagement is the key to platforms like this :)

I don't check on my comments right away but I make sure to read all of it. I'm 3 months behind but I'm still doing it :D

$ 0.01
2 years ago

ARTicLEE, I am glad to read your affirmation about reciprocation. Thank you so much. It is indeed difficult if there are too many comments. I have the experience of replying to almost a hundred comments on LinkedIn in 2015 without any monetary gain. But, the comments should be meaningful, not only brief, "awesome," "spot on," or so on.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well.. I usually read a few articles each day, check out friends too, and comment if I have something to say in relation. I don't always have the time, otherwise I would comment a lot more. I obviously support some of the bloggers here on ReadCash. It's not always reciprocal. But does it matter? I tip pretty easily if I enjoyed it. Let's just say I give back some of what I earn. That seems fair to me.

I share a lot on Twitter and some other places, like Noisecash, etc... other crypto related places. Mainly Twitter wich have been always a powerful tool.

If I like it I'll engage, if not I'll pass. I won't downvote. I find this principle totally stupid, and useless.

Have a fantastic day! :0)

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I agree that reciprocation is not the trait that controls our reading, tipping, and engagement. It is the like-minded blogs that appeal to me most. The important thing is to give back a part of what I get as a reward from the platform and the creator community.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh man I really wanted to ask you and congratulate you for having made so much progress on, I'll explain....

Actually this year I have missed a bit of because of everything that has happened to me, but I always try to read other people's articles and comment, I have also tried to upload my articles to diaries, something that has been really impossible, but I hope to be constant again as before....

I was really happy when I entered your blog and saw that you already had more than 70 followers and several sponsors, I have felt really happy, because before all your comments appeared as spam and it made me feel really bad, I even commented to my couple that I thought it was sad that your comments didn't appear and that you didn't earn well. Now it has been a total surprise when I told him how many followers and how much you have made on some articles, we are really happy for you. I haven't grown as much as you have, I guess it's because I haven't been very active... I wanted to know how you have grown so much?

But focusing on the reciprocity part, even though I have not been active I have tried to support as many people as I can on, just as they have supported me. I think it's really important to read others as well as you hope they read you.

And by the way, I find it really sad not knowing who follows us or who likes our articles, because if I knew immediately I would also follow and support them, so what I do is try to support everyone who comments on my article since we can see the user.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes, it is sad we can't see who follows us. But, the platform made an interesting decision in keeping the followers' identity hidden. We also don't see who unfollows our blog!

I remember your reply to the comments from my earlier digital self. I was auto-flagged since the second day of joining. I didn't know until a kind blogger (Ellehcim) informed me. Then I already wasted the full 60 days, consisting of almost 60 to 100 blogging hours!

I understood that a few humans had created the platform, hence the teething errors. It inspired me to reappear with a generic dictionary word username fitting my temperament and character.

I am trying to guess the unwritten functioning mechanism of distributing algorithmic rewards. One point is sure that the title is very important. Equally important are grammar, formatting, and the use of optimum graphics. The algorithm may not like too short or too big an article. If you have more content, split it into two independent titles (not part one or two).

Have creative and productive blogging.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It was a smart thing to make the decision to hide who follows us and who stopped following us.

Oh I understand the problem, the good thing is that now you have a new opportunity, the bad thing is the lost time, which can not be recovered.

Lately I have been making very long articles because I have been very excited about the topic I am talking about haha.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I understand; sometimes, the deep involvement makes an article longer.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is what I always tell whenever some users keep whining why they aren't getting tips from RandomRewarder.. to engage, engage, engage... do reciprocate to your readers, you can't go far in blogging if you keep your circle small. Although I admit with thousands of users here it's hard to do to everyone but at least trying our best. Jane is one of the famous blogger here because she always do that..I do but my time is limited since I'm a mother already..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks, Eybyoung, for validating the "Reciprocate" post. I am with you for making use of the power of reciprocation. Catching the notification is an uphill task. But, our mind has more ability to make up with incidental giving back to any other like-minded blogger.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Reciprocity always help us to build up our any kind of good relationship. Every user should try to do it with their best.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am happy Dreamboy that you reciprocate with the community.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am glad you wrote a comment. I also checked your blog!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ok tnk you friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am glad you have engaged.

$ 0.00
2 years ago