Legitimization of Corruption

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2 years ago

Can money buy learned citizens' ethical minds?

I have several questions in my mind, the central one being, "Can money buy people's ethical minds?" It is directly connected with corruption and ill governance.

There is the so-called civil society consisting of eminent writers, singers, actors, painters, social workers, and other professionals. They vouch for a corrupt chief minister because they have been rewarded with state honors and financial scholarships/prizes.

Money can probably buy learned citizens' ethical minds. When citizens are delivered financial benefits, they can be purchased by any corrupt administrator, chief minister, prime minister, president, etc.

The present state of governance in our state is so corrupted!

I never thought I would write such a blog. Corruption is a common topic. Corruption existed from the early days of human civilization. Modern society has developed new techniques and methods of corruption.

The present state of governance in our state of West Bengal, India has been so harsh. The situation is worsening every year. The citizens are experiencing the worst effects of corruption and ill governance everywhere.

The police department, which the chief minister owns, has completely failed to provide safety to the citizens. Local goons run clubs in localities that are openly offered with financial contributions (gifts) from the government. These goons are utilized by the ruling political party to fearmonger the voters during the elections.

In the past, the infamous woman chief minister portrayed rape as a "small incident!" (Choto Ghotona)

From the very first year of the government, the notoriously mainstream news media-friendly woman chief minister openly termed (on camera) rape cases as a "small incident" because the accused rapists are relatives/members of her political party!

It happened several times in the past. On the most recent occasion, it was an extreme statement when she termed rape as an "affair" between a boy and his girlfriend!

She sheltered groups of people charged with money laundering!

There was a big money laundering case called the Saradha scam which the chief minister earlier endorsed. The scam was exposed, and the victim citizens protested outside the office of the scam financial organization.

The chief minister, who was also the police minister, took custody of the owner of the fraud financial organization (Saradha) who is still inside the safe police custody.

The government is purposefully going at a super slow pace in the court proceedings. The victim citizens lost huge money. The chief minister said, "Whatever is lost is lost!"

The chief minister and her relatives acquired a huge asset in the prime area of the state capital!

The property of the chief minister and her relatives increase at a very fast rate. News reports claimed that at least thirty-five apartments and lands in the prime area of the state capital are owned by the chief minister and her family members. The chief minister's nephew, who is also a member of the parliament (MP), owns a number of huge mansions and multiple lands in the state capital.

School teacher job "selling" scam has been exposed recently

On the complaints by a group of qualified job applicants in the state's school service commission (SSC), the Kolkata High Court ordered the Enforcement Directorate (ED) of India to investigate the West Bengal School Services Commission recruitment scam.

The ED officials raided two flats of a female aid of the industry minister (who is the ex-Education minister) and found a huge amount of cash and foreign currencies. ED recovered a couple of diaries containing details of the names of candidates for school teaching jobs, SSC examination roll numbers, etc.

The cash recovered is supposed to be the money collected as bribes for "selling" teaching jobs to unsuccessful candidates in school services commission (SSC) examinations.

Video Source

Political observers say, "The West Bengal School Services Commission teacher recruitment scam is the tip of the iceberg."

  • The chief minister says that she doesn't believe the scam. She terms it a "conspiracy" by the opposition. She has not asked the industry minister, who is also the secretary of the ruling political party, to resign.

  • In earlier scam cases, it was the "friendship" between the political party of the central government, i.e., Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and the state ruling party, i.e., Trinamul Congress (TMC), that stopped the inquiries by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Enforcement Directorate (ED).

  • This time, the affected SSC examination passed, candidates went to the court, and the court directed the Enforcement Directorate (ED) to carry out the inquiry. Fortunately, the brave judge had given the rule in favor of the job applicants.

  • If the central agencies can continue inquiries without any political intervention from the center, there is hope that some of the financial scams of the state government will be exposed.

It seems that the time is ripe for the citizens to protest on the street much like the people of Sri Lanka did to ouster the evil rulers of the country.

Today is the 500th day of protest by the deprived West Bengal SSC candidates.
Image Source.

Corruption in West Bengal, India, and the judiciary

During the last eleven years, the state government has been providing very poor governance and services.

There has been corruption in broad daylight. Whoever tried to oppose had been silenced by money, muscle, and legal power. The political parties almost purchased a part of the judiciaries.

  • A brave teaching job applicant, a lady from north Bengal, who was successful in qualifying in the West Bengal School Services Commission examinations, but was denied appointment for years, went to the Kolkata High Court for justice.

  • All successful candidates for the WB SSC examination have been protesting for 500+ days at Esplanade in Kolkata.

  • A brave judge of the Kolkata High Court ordered the state to give immediate appointment to the successful candidate and ordered the removal of a minister's daughter who was appointed as a school teacher illegally.

  • The Kolkata High Court also asked the Enforcement Directorate (ED) to inquire into the WB SSC teacher recruitment scam.

  • The ED found a serious financial scam and arrested the industry minister and his girlfriend, from whose flats the ED recovered a massive amount of cash, foreign currencies, jewelry, and some documents connected to the alleged teaching job "selling" or teacher recruitment scam.

  • The ED continues interrogating the industry minister and his lady aide.

It is interesting that the minister made his female aide a "pawn" to collect, store, and execute the process of illegal appointment of school teachers by taking bribes.

The shameless chief minister says that she didn't know anything about it!

The spineless civil society comprising of famous artists, actors, singers, writers, ex-judges, ex-police officers, and industrialists, is backing the chief minister! They were seen on stage even on July 25, 2022, accepting awards and cheques!

Legitimization of corruption

  • The corrupted politicians are shameless creatures. They are devoid of human values, civic senses, ethical standards, and responsibility for the position they hold.

  • The civil society, mainly constituting eminent personalities, such as famous singers, actors, writers, artists, ex-judges, ex-police, industrialists, and many other distinguished persons, often supports the corrupted ministers, presidents, prime ministers, parliamentarians, etc.

  • A big part of the judiciary also indirectly helps the corrupted politicians continue in office despite having a series of scams and crimes.

  • If a corrupted political party somehow manages to get re-elected, they consider the election result as a token of legitimization of their corruption.

We may call it the legitimization of corruption.

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Unity (Debesh Choudhury)

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#corruption #politics #scam #judiciary

July 27, 2022

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Written by
2 years ago


Unity, corruption is a legitimate tool used by our leaders but people are made to know corruption as a bad thing but the government are actually the back bone of corruption

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The voters must cast their votes in every election and elect the deserving candidates. Voters must reject corrupt candidates.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good point

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you:)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Welcome :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Corruption is a moral decay, thus, it will eventually exist to every people in every country. The president here in Philippines said that ‘corruption is a human condition’, thus it cannot be eradicated. While I refuse to believe that corruption cannot be removed, at the end of the day, corruption will always be present in someone's mind. It would also be hypocritical to say that corruption can easily be stopped. I just hope that someday, corruption in every state and country can be finally put to an end. Nice context. Stay safe and see you around.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It is true that corruption is an inherent flaw of the human mind. In the real world, corrupt people manipulate the judiciary to get rulings in their favor. A corrupt person should get punishment someday or the other.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sad to hear such India news and even in Sri Lanka but thanks to God for Sri Lanka is having the balance they need now there.

This is sadder to hear more "they consider the election result as a token of legitimization of their corruption". This is not a token for unacceptable and continuing act of disgrace. As early as we became conscious we have to stop it before the hard lesson hit us so much that the casualties is bigger and bigger!

We cannot defeat the dark by being in there, we have to shine in the light so the hidden will be revealed and be ammended.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The corrupt people have the money to get legal help from famous lawyers. A part of the judiciary is also corrupt and often gives rulings in favor of the corrupt! There are very few who deliver services in favor of the truth. It is an uneven fight between honesty and dishonesty.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

May the light shines when needed in the heart of those who left in the dark and do it again and again. May they use thy power for fairness my friend.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

La corrupción es un problema mundial, creo que en la mayoría de los paises no se avanza por los corruptos, es una tristeza, porque juegan con las personas.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gracias, friend:)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Corruption is everywhere, and it's very frustrating because many are affected by their selfishness and cruelty.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The world is surviving because of the good work of the very few honest and logical people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It seems corruption is very spread everywhere... many cases in many countries, even in more particular contexts. Politicians, police, public workers, journalists, doctors, teachers, etc... unfortunately a huge part of society somehow is involved...

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes. Corruption is inherent in human society.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Our morality is being destroyed. Losing morals and buying people with money. Human humanity is being destroyed. People's conscience is disappearing. Administration, politics are all sold to money.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

A nation's laws can bring back some of the lost powers to the citizens. The people associated with the judiciary may have to contribute what they are supposed to do - Justice. In Kolkata High Court, one brave judge's ruling put one corrupt cabinet minister into jail custody.

If the central political power doesn't intervene in ED and CBI's investigations, the law will bring some justice to the people. Already, one WB minister's daughter, who got a teacher's job without qualifying for the WB SSC examination, has been removed from her employment by an order by the Kolkata High Court, and the deserving candidate has been issued an appointment letter.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Woah, I didn't expect the governance to be that worse and saddening especially that time when the chief minister considered rape as a small incident just because relatives or members of her political party were accused. But you know, the truth will always prevail and I can assure that.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It is not a small thing when the person's emotional status has been damage by that misbehaviour. People who do rapes have low self esteem and worth until they realize that light in them and change their ways.

Be the light.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Truth prevails. But, the politicians run away with money and power.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're right, haystt. But time will really come that they will get what they truly deserve. Maybe not too soon but hopefully soonest.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If the political powers don't intervene in the judiciary, some justice will come to punish the corrupt politicians. In the WB SSC recruitment scam, one brave judge showed the willpower to issue an order against a cabinet minister of the government.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, you know this thing very well. That judge led a great example. It just take us courage as well to fight for what is right.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ED is on a rampage and it looks like some department made for the purpose is doing their work. Same case of Jharkhand, presently current chief minister's wife and his all close partners are being investigated on Mining Lease case and found 20 crore Rupees in cash. I would say every politician in India from every party has 95-97% corrupt people. They have made a spider web for corruption and routes so that one can save each other asses. Seeing such corruption I feel like they deserve severe torture for this in current life. No death just torture, lol. Due to these people so much money is wasted for nonsense purpose where that should be used for the development of this developing country.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Someday, people here may consider capturing the corrupt politicians' homes like in Sri Lanks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That might be true for there is no perfect government, furthermore, it's philosophically stated that humans are insatiable in which I think is one of the factors for the legitimization of corruption. This is a good analysation, more power author.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

No perfection is wanted. The ruling parties should do some work they are elected for.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good point, that is quite a solid statement.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you:)

$ 0.00
2 years ago