Stop Throwing Away Your Water Bottles: Check These 10 Creative Ways To Use It.
Water bottles are one of the cheapest and easiest, and most versatile products to give a new purpose to. There are many or let me say thousands of crafts you can use either plastic or glass bottles to do.
So you too you can give these good crafts a trial and you will love it at the end.
Like I said before, there are thousands of crafts you can use your water bottles to do, but I will only give 10 out of them.
These 10 simple and good crafts of water bottles are listed below.
1. You can use it for glass pasta (or anything) holders.
2. You can also use it to clean your drain.
3. For Sprinkler.
4. Glass bottle mini ecosystem.
5. For DIY spray paint container.
6. Dog toy.
7. Paint dabbers.
8. Wasp trap.
9. Planter
10. For no-sew zipper bottle containers
Those are the amazing things you can use your water bottles to do instead of dumping them in our oceans.
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