The purpose of human relationships.

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Avatar for Ulquiorra
2 years ago

In life, the people we meet are all for a purpose, those as close to us as our siblings or as distant to us as our mere acquaintances, whether we realize it or not. Our relationships, whether toxic or otherwise, is an avenue for us to learn more about ourselves and others as we progress and it doesn't really matter whether those relationships work out or not, once the purpose of the relationship is fulfilled, it ends either through death, separation or mutual acceptance of what happened. Strangers whom we have very little chance of meeting again leave us with impressions we may or may not realize unless we act them out.

I remember an incident where two people who are destined to meet met and once the purpose had been fulfilled, one of them died. This is something I think a lot of you can relate with. You meet a person and just when you start thinking that the person had come to stay because of how they make us feel loved, wanted, appreciated and push us to become the best versions of ourselves, just when it all starts making sense, just when we start to let go of all the past hurt and traumas and start appreciating what we have right here in front of us, just when everything starts getting into perspective, things take a turn we never expect. We either lose these people to the cold clutches of death, or they leave abruptly without a final word, or we find out they have just been pretending they care to suit their own selfish desires. They leave or become worse, leaving us feeling cursed, or not deserving the good things in life.

The people we meet, whether those we perceive as good people or bad people all serve a very important purpose in the journey of life, and they are all to be appreciated for the scars or love they left us with. There's no interaction between two souls that ends without at least one party learning something from the other, unless it is all fake. In fact even fake relationships have something to learn from if we care to pay attention.

Always aspiring to deliver the best in every relationship we find ourselves in is something that's good, we deliver our best not because our main aim is to get the best out of it, although that's will be appreciated a great deal. We deliver our best because we are ready to learn and love and even if the relationship is no more as it is always bound to happen no matter how long it takes, we are left with little regrets or sorrows. Always strive to deliver your best in every relationship you find yourself in, this not only make you more open hearted, but is also a means of self purification since your intentions are pure.

Thanks for reading.



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Avatar for Ulquiorra
2 years ago


si como dicen por hay la ley del sembrador dando todo de lo queremos recibir no importa la dificultad que se nos presente y aun siendo nuestra pareja la ayuda perfecta algun dia uno de los dos va a partir solo quedan aquellos bonitos recuerdos

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Tienes razón. Todo finalmente se va. Esos recuerdos nos harán recordar los buenos momentos que pasamos.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Real giving is when we give to our spouses what’s important to them, whether we understand it, like it, agree with it, or not.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's correct. Real love demands sacrifice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Relationship derived from Adam and Eve so it can't be end. We should embrace the relationship and learn everything from it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You're right friend. Relationships are all about learning while putting in our possible best to make it work.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Human beings cannot do without relationship in this life. Aside from the fact that we won't be bored, we can always gain from each other. Human relationship expose us to meeting new people and even new business partners. It makes us connect to other people that can help us in our business or activities

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's the reason we should always cherish those we have in our lives, always do anything in our abilities to make them happy for we never know when they will depart.

$ 0.00
2 years ago