Love and Sacrifice.

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Avatar for Ulquiorra
2 years ago

As we walk through life, we experience or take part in things with varying levels of importance. Important things naturally require more of our attention, time and effort while unimportant may also require that, but most of the time are less worth it. Sacrificing some things for others as we scale through away day is important in the sense that we learn to recognize our priorities better.

Life is all about sacrifice, without sacrifice there would be no love, without sacrifice success can only be imagined in the head but never materialized, without sacrifice the real value of things become blind to us. Sacrifice is what makes life worth living, as we know better what we live or and would probably die for, and a life without nothing to live or die for is not worth living at all. In sacrifice, we learn to suppress our baseless instincts and selfish desires for a higher cause, this goes a long way in helping us build a high level of self control and self mastery.

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The spirit of sacrifice not only benefits us but those around us, it isn't all about comparing to things and then opting for the one with more benefits in the long run rather than the one which provides instant gratification. Sacrifice builds selflessness in us in that we give up things that otherwise will be beneficial to us just to make others happy. Sacrifice roots for placing others before one's self because of the love we have for them and how much we care about them, even if we don't care about them much, we still sacrifice just so they are happy, from this we can deduce that through sacrifice the purest human feelings are expressed. Love, the essence of our existence on earth, is based upon sacrifice, that's how divine the spirit of sacrifice is. It is intertwined with love. When you sacrifice small pleasures for greater things, it is called self-love. When you sacrifice your personal interests for other's well-being, it is called selflessness. All are related to relationships based on love, one with ourselves, the other with others.

So what's life without connections based on love? I can't imagine a life like that, but I for sure know that it wouldn't be worth living at all. I'd rather die than live such a life. Still, all those do not come without sacrifice. You don't expect ordinary relationships to become extraordinary without sacrificing for one another, people like to feel loved, people love Love, and that's one way to ensure that you maintain the connection, while waxing it stronger. You don't expect to be the best version of yourself is you are not willing to sacrifice your comfort zones for real growth, in my opinion that's one of the greatest sacrifice a human being can ever make, a sacrifice that feels excruciatingly painful at the beginning but in the long run, you'd be thankful you made that sacrifice.

The only things we should never sacrifice is the core values upon which we live our lives. The need for sacrifice necessitates us to examine those values closely, if they are worth having we retain them, otherwise we shed them away. The need for sacrifice can also serve as a means for proper self examination.

Thanks for reading.



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Avatar for Ulquiorra
2 years ago


There is more to live than living in your own world alone, always know there are things you have to sacrifice for others, even if we want to get to the top, there are sacrifices we ought to make.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks immensely for your contributions Ayo. There's truth to them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are welcome

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed, life is more on sacrifices. I think we won't appreciate the essence of our success and life's if we won't do sacrifices in order for us to grow and succeed.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You're right my friend, life is indeed nothing without sacrifice.

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2 years ago