Illness,, the weather and I.

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Avatar for Ulquiorra
2 years ago


The adverse effects of the hot weather ha finally reached me despite all the precautions I took, for those who read my last article about destiny, can I call this destiny since I tried at least not to get sick? Or maybe I didn't try enough?

The hot weather here is known to bring along some sort of fever that affects many people of all ages, often times it comes along with a rash on the neck or a boil on the head. I started feeling not so well on the night I last posted here and before I knew what was happening, I woke up with a full blown fever the next morning with rashes on my neck. I couldn't get out of bed to do anything as I felt so heavy and my head felt like thousand needles are moving back and forth. I slept off again and woke up 12pm, only then was I able to summon some courage and endurance to get up and do some things. The sad thing is that it keeps getting worse despite taking medications and I am starting to think it's not just about the heat but some underlying cause.

As a new user here, I am aware that I have to engage more if I am to be recognized but by my fellow old and new users as well as the RandomRewarder. I have given it my best since the past four days I joined, which included subscribing to authors who write great contents, those whom I think share similar interests as me, replying to comments and articles as well as upvoting. Because of the illness however, I haven't been active for the past three or four days and I think that will delay the goals I have set for myself here on Sometimes I would log into my account, make an attempt to at least read other's post even if I don't post on my own but the light from the screen feels blinding and I keep my phone down. In general, I have cut down the use of my phone very drastically due to the prickly feeling I feel when I look at a bright light.

The weather and I

I can't really say I hate the heat season because it is part of nature and you can't hate nature, but the heat season is the most inconveniencing for me. I simply cannot stand heat and that has nothing to do with my level of endurance. My skin can't just stand it. When there's a shortage of power and there's no fan to provide aeration, I go outside the house instead to sleep, I don't care how much mosquitoes there is outside. My tolerance for mosquitoes I much greater than that for heat. Living in the northern part of Nigeria, it takes a longer time for the heat to go compared to the southern, south-eastern and south-western parts of the country. The heat in the north can last up to three to five months which isn't the case in other regions of the country. These are the months I hate my region and wish I could become like a snake who sheds skin constantly. Not to mention the waves of fever that usually comes with the heat adding to the difficulty to go through it all.

However, I am happy the weather is showing signs of the arrival of rain. It had already rained in some places in the city so we are expecting the rain soon. I hope it will come sooner than I expect.

I am going to stop here for now guys,

Thanks for reading.



$ 0.64
$ 0.58 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @FarmGirl
$ 0.02 from @TheGuy
+ 1
Avatar for Ulquiorra
2 years ago


So sorry about this, I hope you feel better soon. The North is truly usually very hot

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah it is Thank you much Daria

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes the weather can be really harsh that it makes us sick. Stay hydrated on hot seasons. I hope rain visits you soon. It is now drizzling in my place :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's really nice We had a rainy breeze earlier today. I hope it rains soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like winter season more than summer.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same here 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago