$200.00 Plus GOOD KARMA BCH Giveaway!

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3 years ago

Okay it's that time again! Time for another Good Karma Army members and others Ca$h Giveaway. This is strictly a numbers game. The more you do the better your chances. $200.00 will be shared across three different actions, which will be tracked closely to find our winners. This Good Karma BCH Giveaway will take place over a period of 21 days, and random BCH will be awarded along the way to keep everyone motivated. At the end of the 21 day period of time there will be BCH prizes rewarded as listed below totaling $150.00. The remaining $50.00 is to be spread out over the entire 21 days to recognize people who go over and beyond the task written below. This equals a total prize of $200.00. All Rules Must Be Followed To Have A Valid Giveaway Entry.

First Way To Win!

A) Share this link https://mmapmagazine.com/shop/ with a picture on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, Minds, Instagram and other social media. You can find pictures to use for your post at the link location.

B) Use this quote “Change Your Mind Change Your Life Journey, Forever.” with your link and picture. Post these 5 hash tags with the provided quote: #Karmarmy #TrueSuccessNatuarlly #MMAPmagazine #ACoinToken #FloState21Challenge #GoVoteX

C) Send each link where you share the post to email address contact@flostatedesign.com signing it with your read.cash user name.

Post as often as you can to win, and keep a list of where you post as a backup. Google Analytics will be used to help track all traffic results from this giveaway.

Prizes Are As Follows:

First Prize $50.00

Second Prize $25.00

Third Prize $15.00

Forth Prize $10.00

Second Way To Win!

A) Post comments on articles on the MMAP Magazine blog spot. Not all post will be accepted so do your best work. The three people with the most accepted number of post will be our winners.

B) No post thanking me, god blessing me, mention of read.cash, Michaelson Willliams or TruSuccessXpert is allowed. Please! You should however sign out of every comment or email with your read.cash users name.

First Place $25.00

Second Place $15.00

Third Place $10.00

Third Way To Win!

Random $50.00 plus

The only way to win here is with your participation in the "First and Second Ways To Win". Here $50.00+ will be split up and randomly given away for special actions contributing to the success of this Good Karma Army venture. If the $50.00+ is not awarded within the 21 day giveaway time period the $50.00 plus will be distributed between all of the prize winners.

By entering into this contest you are helping to boost our sales, which allows us to do more for other people, ie. spreading more Good Karma.

Please read and follow the rules completely. Give this article post a thumbs up to let me know you understand the rules. Comment here if you have any questions, and I will answer those questions ASAP. Lastly, any funds created by this article post via upvotes, tips, or the read.cash robot will be added to the giveaway.

The Contest Starts Right Now!



Michaelson Williams, TruSuccessXpert

Brought to you by this family of products for your True Success.

$ 1.04
$ 0.50 from @tired_momma
$ 0.25 from @Pantera
$ 0.10 from @eve
+ 4
Sponsors of TruSuccessXpert
Avatar for TruSuccessXpert
3 years ago


Blessed present ✨ ... I have just seen this initiative, is it still in force?

On the other hand, I take the opportunity to make a query, a few days ago I made a publication in the GoodKarma Community, as they have not yet approved the publication, I'm a little worried that it has not met some criteria, and I would like to know if it was not appropriate to take it into account in future publications.

Thank you very much for your guidance 🙏

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yay! Time to spread this good karma everywhere!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

When i read about this app, i regitered it at the spot.Really its an amazing informative and beneficail app. I will try my best to achieve good thoughts from admins and other people. At the End i will send a message to all friends that share a lot this app and enjoy read.cash.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Let me spread this lovely Good Karma giveaway ❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago