Light up our world

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2 years ago


I was in search of a topic to write about, when I came across a poem I wrote some years ago about "writings".

My poem

Writing is one of the best or probably the best way to convene information that can last forever, and it exists before the ICT age and will continue to.

Let take a look at the bible, many books that make up the bible were written over three thousands years ago. Without all those stories written down we won’t have the chance to read what happened then, as the memories of what happened would have been lost.

Cultures that lack writing characters or don’t have written books most times don’t have firm history one can hold on to, because information passed through oral recitation tends to get corrupt as years pass by compare to a written one.

Many languages on earth are gone because they don’t have form or way of writing and preserving for the future generations.

Without writing there would be no scripture; to lead

Almost all the holy texts or books of the major religions in world today survive till now because they are well written and well preserved text, for example the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad-Gita; just to mention a few.

Without writing there would be no literature; to read

Think of all the amazing stories, books and novels you’ve ever read. Think of the literally works in this world whether those of the past or present, that won’t have been possible if we didn’t have a writing system in place.

Williams Shakespeare books are more than four hundred years old, yet we still see them today. Many cultures have a lot of interesting stories but are lost because they were not written down.

The future can't be planned

Writings can make us know about what happened in the past, the wars, the inventions, the mistakes our forefathers made.

Without books or form of writing this won’t have been possible, the knowledge of the past really helps us to plan for the future and not to repeat the same mistakes they did.

The world would be a dull place to live.

People say music is life, but writing too is life. Writing is so important as it is a way of recording your thoughts and emotions. The movies we watch are mostly written down as novels or script before being acted upon.

Writings spice up our world be it fictional or non-fictional books. Writers can create a fictional world filled with so many characters, a world with different rules that we can all dwell in our imagination.

Also through biographies a lot of people have been inspired by the life of a famous person be it a scientist, a politician, a musician, an actor or an actress, a warrior, and so on.

Books light up our world by adding colour to it. The world without writings can be liken to a black and white television; which is dull, and can be boring to watch compare to watching a colourful screen.

Knowledge and information

Think of all you’ve learnt in high school, college etc, it all as a result of someone deciding to pen all that knowledge down.

History has also shown us that the pen is mightier than the sword, through writing alone many revolutions had taken place, and changes that we enjoy today. Is it the universal human right or the women suffrage, these are just few examples of how writings have changed the world at large.


Taking up the pen can be a therapy for a troubled heart, writing your thoughts out can make your soul lighter, and helps improve your thinking faculty

My Gratitude

Thank you for reading this article and remember don't stop writing. For writers light up the world and make it a place of fun and learning.

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2 years ago


You're right friend TomiAjax we should know where we can use pen and paper.its very important in our daily life

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are accurately right my friend . Books light up our world just like Ellawrites who wrote about read=write where she explained that readers are leaders and now I clearly understand that books light up our world so we need to continue reading

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Learning doesn't stop, it is continuous.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Most people find solace in music, some in movies and yet some in writing. Writing is really deep and holds in it; imageries, thoughts, feelings and peace. It's a balm that has cured many wounded soul.

Thanks for this beautiful article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, it a balm. And a safe for storing wisdom and knowledge.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's how powerful the pen and paper is!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is really powerful Lhes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The pen and paper is one of the most powerful weapons that we have. We need to learn how to use it effectively and efficiently.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The power in pen, and words shouldn't be underestimated.

$ 0.00
2 years ago