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1 year ago

In the world we live in today, we utilize the internet to conduct daily tasks. In contrast to the period of our dads and grandfathers, who mostly used media like physical newspapers and radios to obtain information, the majority of us now read our news on our mobile devices.

Globalization has been facilitated by the internet, which has also altered how we trade and how we interact and obtain information.

Similar to what @George_Dee stated in his article titled, "What should we dread more in the future, human or technology?"

He emphasized that technology is only a tool that depends entirely on how humans choose to employ it. When evil or wicked people utilize technology to cause destruction, good people employ the same technology to aid and better the lives of other people. Depending on how they are utilized, each piece of technology has both benefits and drawbacks.

Social media is among this century's most important innovations or creations. Globalization and socializing are also brought about by social media, which has enhanced communication, making it rapid, and all of these things. On the other hand, there are several drawbacks to using social media, just as there are many benefits.

For instance, the usage of social media has made it possible for many unscrupulous characters to defraud others. Fake news is also spreading faster than it has ever done in human history, and I'd want to talk about a brand-new phenomenon called cyberbullying.

The rise of cyberbullying

The Oxford Dictionary describes bullying as the act of attempting to hurt, intimidate, or compel someone.

The majority of bullies prey on their victims by taking advantage of their size, wealth, or position. Since the invention of social media, some have turned to its adaptability to engage in what is known as cyberbullying against others.

Cyberbullying is when someone is harassed, embarrassed, threatened, or intimidated online or through social media.

Cyberbullying may take many various forms, some of which include sending harsh or offensive comments, disseminating false information about another person, posting humiliating images or videos, or creating fake profiles to harass people anonymously.

Cyberbullying versus physical bullying

Although a lot of people think that cyberbullying is less dangerous or detrimental than physical bullying, the fact is that bullying is bullying regardless of the method used to carry it out.

One could argue that cyberbullying is more dangerous than physical bullying due to its ability to be carried out in secret and its quick spread to a much wider audience, both made possible by the internet and social media.

The same negative consequences, such as sadness, low self-esteem, and suicidal thoughts, can frequently be experienced by both physical and cyberbullying victims.

Due to the possibility that victims may become targets as a result of their online forms of abuse, cyberbullying sometimes even escalates into physical bullying.

One of the reasons I decided to write about this topic today is because I have seen an increase in cyberbullying in my nation, which is being caused by the current elections.

Election induced cyberbullying

Some Nigerians experienced cyberbullying long before and during the recently concluded presidential election as a result of the candidates or parties they chose to back.

Many of these individuals were called derogatory names, and some of these individuals were flagged down from their positions of work or business by the same online bullies. Several of them were the subject of false information.

Twitter was the social media site that these cyberbullies utilized the most to abuse those who had opposing opinions or political views to their own. Several false and parody accounts were set up for this purpose. Due to their concern about cyberbullies, a lot of people choose to keep their opinions to themselves and refrain from publicly expressing them.

Yet, a lot of people are unaware that bullying, regardless of the format, is illegal, and that during elections, many utilize cyberbullying to sway public opinion by disseminating false information, rumors, and propaganda. Several people utilize the practice of cyberbullying to damage the reputations of competing politicians and to promote their candidates as respectable.

In conclusion

I believe that any sort of bullying, whether it be physical or online, should not be tolerated regardless of a person's political views and should be addressed seriously by the appropriate authorities.

I believe regulations should be made to handle cyberbullying, and social media corporations should exert greater effort to halt the spread of fake news and deal with any accounts proven to be engaging in cyberbullying.


12:55 AM

Thanks for reading!

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1 year ago


In my experience, I have come to realise that people usually do become what they are fighting against in the process of fighting. It is so easy to cross over to the other side

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Exactly.. I feel sad the way situation in the country is going

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is why I stay off twitter conversation or bants I only seldomly talk about sport or jokes on there because of the bullying.

Some people hate their life and so they would spare no minute to pour all that hate towards others when they get a chance.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, same as me. I rarely tweet because of the same reasons

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You've said it well, Twitter is the home of bullying and Savage, people don't get to say their own opinion again because there's bullying, you have to role on with the laid down opinion

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed, that's the reality and it is sad.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

One of the things I'm avoiding in this life is to be dragged on Twitter for something bad or a mistake I did. Omo! I used to pity these politicians like Desmond Elliot, I'm very sure they don't read all those things said about them online 😢.

I remember the time of NIGERIA goalkeeper during last two years AFCON, it's God that saved him.

Cyberbullying is more dangerous

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm very sure they don't read all those things said about them online

I think some do and if they didn't some of their loved ones will read it.

Yeah I think cyberbullying is more dangerous because it can spread faster and can be done anonymously

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I don't get the point of those who are doing cyber bullying towards other people. I don't think that they eill get a peace of mind also doing those nasty things to other people.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I was surprised to see a friend of mine bullying a lady on Twitter. He cursed her for voting APC and I was wondering what election means, shouldn't it be the freedom to vote for whoever you want.?

I think cyberbullying is just as dangerous as physical bullying and this is an act we must desist from. @tomi-ajax

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think cyberbullying is just as dangerous as physical bullying and this is an act we must desist from

Exactly sir. But sadly many don't see it that way

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It could create emotional damage to the person who are experiencin cyber bullying.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It does and it's sad. Thanks for comment @ScarletDoll

$ 0.00
1 year ago