Conspiracy Theories

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2 years ago

According to Wikipedia

"A conspiracy theory is an explanation for an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy by sinister and powerful groups, often political in motivation when other explanations are more probable"

Many things have happened or are happening that we don't understand why they happened or are happening.

A lot of information is concealed from the eyes and ears of the masses, and this brings about the people's eagerness to find out those hidden pieces of information.

By nature, Man is an inquisitive being; we love to find answers or know why things happen. This nature of Man has led to the scientific and technological development we have today.

But our inquisitiveness doesn't only dwell in the scientific aspect, it is present in every part of our daily lives.

The need for evidence

The Want to know why is never-ending that why we carry out investigations. The end product of investigation is evidence because, without it, we won't be to prove a reason without others doubting.

For instance, in ancient times, the world is believed to be flat, but the advance in astronomy and other fields disproved this. But society refused to believe it until pieces of evidence were shown as to why the world is round and not flat. This evidence made a lot of people ditch their old belief in the flat earth.

Everything we do or believe in today's world is backed-up with evidence, or else we won't believe them. Our court system (when unbiased) is based on evidence, and without it, you can't convict a person of committing a crime.

The fact that our court systems are based on it has created a loophole for people who wants to commit a crime to make sure no evidence trace back to them. When there is a lack of evidence or witness you can hardly convict or accuse someone of committing a crime.

Information vacuum

It is a known fact that many things going on in Governance, or important corporations, are done in secrecy. Some are to protect the state from danger, so that enemy states won't make use of those information to act against the state.

Some things are done in secrecy by the government because it breaks the law.

For instance, a country that delegalized torture needs to torture some individuals to squeeze out top security information from them. They would do so in secrecy, to elude public outcry, and so on.

The information vacuum created as the result of the government or top companies not revealing all information makes people go on the quest to find or imagine why themselves.

Towards the end of a movie I watched titled, "The hunt for the crypto king." One of the characters said;

"Conspiracy theories breed on ignorance. It makes it easier for people to draw wild speculations because the authorities are not quickly enough providing them accurate information."

Lack of trust

Some people refuse to trust mainstream media because they believe they are easily controlled and regulated by the government.

While it is 100% true that most undemocratic governments have strict or total control over media houses, it isn't absolute for countries with freedom of speech or media.

The governments in strong democratic countries have broadcasting rules and regulations, that they expect every media house to follow and this might include not revealing information that might be state or top secret.

This brings about people creating reasons themselves by stringing pieces of true information and filling the vacancies with what they believe might be the reason for something happening, which in most cases can not be verified or backed up.

Some conspiracy theories might sound logical but they are not based on standard evaluations. Testability is what makes many scientific theories reliable but conspiracy theories can't be proven or tested. A conspiracy theorist might even cite the lack of evidence as proof for their theory being true.

Ignorance and manipulation

Religious conspiracy theories are sprung based on citing similar incidents or prophecies in the scriptures Conspiracy theories play on the ignorance of people who are reading or watching it.

Recently a friend sent me a link to a YouTube video that labeled the opening ceremony of the commonwealth game held in Birmingham as satanic. He highlighted the use of the Bull in the ceremony and he manipulated his knowledge of the bible to fit what was happening in the ceremony and thousands of people believed what he was saying.

Meanwhile, the reason for the bull appearing in the opening commonwealth game is stated in the picture below.

Based on fake news and facts

Conspiracy theories are mostly based on fake news by using videos or pictures that might be unrelated or doctored to convince people to believe.

Last month some people shared a false tweet saying that a hotel Elon Musk built on mars is about to open and it will cost lodgers hundred of thousands of dollars per night. Why do many people believe and share it? The reason was that they have shallow knowledge about Mars. They don't know that there is no human structure on mars, and no human has been on mars before!

The funny thing is that reals facts are claimed to be conspiracy theories by Conspiracy Theorists.


While it is true that news being said on reputable media can turn out to be wrong, such are followed-by an apology or a release of another news with accurate information.

While we can't get all the information or know everything that is happening in the world; it is better to stick with information or facts we know than sharing fake news


4:10 PM

Thanks for reading!

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2 years ago


Conspiracy theorists are at their all-time high thanks to the muppet former president Chump and his cronies.

Alex Jones just keeps getting sued for defamation over Sandy Hook denial and now they are sending his phone records to the Jan 6th committee. These are agents of misinformation and many ignorant people fall for their BS.

The reality is, they do this stuff because they make money off of it, or otherwise find it amusing in their own sick way.

There are some conspiracies that have been proven to be true, but until you have solid evidence, you shouldn't be making claims, especially when it involves the deaths of innocent people such as Sandy Hook or 9/11.

I met some crazy lady while fishing a few weeks ago and she was so washed she was talking about how Alex Jones/Infowars was her # 1 "solid source" despite Jones just admitting he was wrong on the stand, she was talking about how we were going to into a 4d or 5d soon depending on our behavior, referring to 4th and 5th dimensions - like the Mayans she said.

Another person I was friends with as a kid, who is now a grown man in his mid 30's, still goes around and puts "Alex Jones Was Right" stickers all over local street signs.

These people are nuts. The old friend did too many drugs and actually believes the world is flat.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Haha, how would one believe the world is flat at that age and in this century.

I heard about the story of Alex Jones and I'm glad justice has been served. A lot of people were misled by his lies.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Too much cocaine and InfoWars, also a propensity for being extremely gullible.

I know he abused DXM (dextromethorphan) which is found in cold medicine, sometimes referred to as robotripping. DXM is actually proven to lower your IQ the more you take it.

There was even an episode of House M.D. where a super genius deliberately dosed DXM so he could lead a normal life, with a normal wife.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Conspiracy theories are now mainstream. People like fake news more than the truth. It seems they like fatal news more than peaceful normal life-based news. That is how the so-called COVID-19 pandemic nicely settled in global people's minds. The governments and the ruling political parties always make use of fake narratives to fool the common mass. Unfortunately, most religious leaders (small and big) are direct allies to their crime!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't get your point sir with COVID-19?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The fear factor for an unknown illness (COVID-19) has been utilized by the health mafia to promote it as a narrative through the mainstream news media. It helped them increase business gain. The governments also helped because the ruling political parties received money from the health mafia.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Are you trying to say that COVID-19 isn't deadly.

It is very deadly and contagious although it deadliness varies from one person to another and someone's underlying illness.

I don't see how the government gained from COVID-19, because most economies were down as a result of the pandemic

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The testing technique PCR or RT-PCR is an unreliable technique. RT-PCR produces mixed-up positive results for multiple viruses, including the common cold, cough, fever, influenza, whooping cough, the new COVID-19, etc. viruses. Nobody can deterministically say which virus has produced the positive results!

Unfortunately, WHO and the governments cheated the citizens with the testing results of a questionable testing technique called PCR. The expert virologists termed the pandemic a "PCR Pandemic."

The fearmongering tactics benefitted the health mafia earning billions of dollars in selling testing kits, nursing home charges, and pushing the experimental vaccines. A share of the profit surely went to the ruling political parties (who run the governments).

Economies have been down for the common mass, not the governments. The governments have made use of the taxpayers' money and printed banknotes to run their "helping the citizens show."

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Things are really getting out of hand, those that it features are relaxed and nothing for a positive change

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But what's the use of a theory if there's a conspiracy?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Theories start with a hypothesis, in order to become theories the hypothesis has to undergo rigorous challenges and hold water. A conspiracy is a matter of bending facts, while a theory is a matter of proving them.

Out of all the conspiracies out there, some are bound to be true, but most are easy to dismiss with simple facts and novice research.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes I understood many conspiracies are easy to prove but people don't care much

$ 0.00
2 years ago

With respect to those who are not, most people are idiots.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I absolutely agree with that. and they don't realize their stupidity

$ 0.00
2 years ago