My (Tobias Ruck) opinion on the DAA drift correction

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Avatar for TobiasRuck
4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)

I’m Tobias Ruck, CEO of, and recently there has been some contention on the DAA. Specifically, the drift correction, which makes sure that the coin emission eventually gets back on schedule.

Here’s my view on this matter:

I don’t give a flying fuck.

I’ll just focus on building and don’t want to waste my energy on something irrelevant like that.

That’s all, thanks for your attention.

Also check out, if you want to get one of those slick card for the upcoming crowdfunding.

$ 3.31
$ 1.00 from @Marco
$ 1.00 from @micropresident
$ 0.50 from @Nicknameul
+ 11


Brother i need only one upvote from you.Would you kind enough to give me?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's not about drift. The sudden push for drift correction is just the latest example of underhanded b.s. coming from ABC.

$ 1.10
4 years ago

It is not about the f*ckin drift. It is about centralization of the protocol.

$ 1.10
4 years ago

Can’t stop won’t stop 🤟🏻

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's not about drift. It is about systemic racism.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think there might be something wrong with the link, it seems to go to "#bad-link" rather than its intended destination.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks! Fixed :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago