Moderation ll

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Moderation

Good afternoon friends. How are you doing today? My article on moderation started yesterday. It's essential to read the final part.


In spending, be moderate. Don't spend all the money you have with you all in the name of giving neither should you be stingy. Balance things up. Buy the things you need and not what you want. NEEDS ARE MORE ESSENTIAL THAN WANTS.

Don't say because I said you should spend less now begin to be stingy. You should buy necessary things for yourself and family. RELAX, life is not as hard as that. EAT moderately. It is important for your overall health. Don't eat to the extent that you'll become obese. Eat balanced diet.

Allow your mouth to rest too. Fast once in a while, at least once a week to allow your body system to function properly.


In education too, you need to be moderate in the sense that when you want to acquire a certificate, acquire it in the right and legit way. Don't acquire it at all costs. If the education you want to acquire demands that you give something precious or to do some things that are not good that people must not hear about, don't do it. GETTING CERTIFICATE IS NOT THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD.

You can make it in life without certificates. We have many people out there today that don't even go to school yet, they are making hundresds of thousands daily. So, that is not the end of the world. Don't acquire education to the extent that you begin to do examination malpractices, cheats, sleep with lecturers, bribe lecturers and all other forms of bad practices. We need to be moderate. Read to acquire your certificate.

The last thing I would say on this point as I round off my article for today is that, get enough qualifications before marriage. The reason why I said this is that, as soon as you get married, family responsibilities set in. It is difficult to be schooling when your children are also in school.

Thank you very much for reading my article. See you in my next article 👩‍🏫

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Moderation


In everything, let's be moderate. Even the Bible said it too. In the aspect of spending less and helping people, it's all about balancing so you don't end up saying someone told you not to spend much and deprive others of what they want from you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Right. Thanks for your support 💖

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I like the last thing you said more, get enough qualifications before marriage. Very important

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks. Even now that I am not yet married, I feel the burden of schooling from home.

$ 0.00
1 year ago