Forget worry and fear
22ND MAY, 2022.
A survey found out that 85 per-cent of things most people worry about are things that either never happened or have already happened or things over which we have no control.
Worry is fear exaggerated. it welcomes trouble before it comes. it's constantly drains the energy God give us to face daily problems and to fulfill our many responsibilities. It is therefore an unnecessary travail.
A woman who had lived long enough to have learnt some important truths about life, remarked. "I have had a lot of trouble -most of which never happened". She had worried about many things that had never occurred and had come to see the total futility of her anxieties. Worry never dries a tear; worry never calms a fear; worry never pays a bill.
The popular acronym FEAR means false experiences appearing real. Holman Bible dictionary describes fear as a natural emotional response to a perceived threat to one's security or general welfare. Fear differs in degree of intensity from a sense of anxiety or worry to one of utter terror. Fear is positive when it leads to appropriate caution that guides one's welfare. Negative fear incapacitates, resulting in inability to engage in normal activities of life.
There are reasons that can make people fear. There is fear of the unknown, including fear of academic, career and economic prospects. Everyone wants to succeed in life but entertaining fear of failure may hinder this expectation. Christians should not fear. We should by Faith, cling to God's word and his promises when confronted with difficult challenges.
Satan, the author of fear is a liar. Refuse to entertain his lies. The Lord is with you. You are a success because God has promised not to leave you nor forsake you.
Trust the flow of life because God has a better plan for us..