Challenge: never have I

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Written by
2 years ago
2ND APRIL, 2022.

Great writers of the family. How are you doing? I believe you are enjoying your weekend. I decided to write this article after reading an articles from @Adrielle1214 a long time ago . And recently, @Theblackdoll , @Princessbusayo , @Kleah97 and @Balikis wrote the student version.

Let's get to business.

Never have I ever skipped a class

Right from my primary school days, I don't miss classes except I am sick. I attended a private school where my aunt worked so, it was practically impossible for me to skip classes. Even when I got to secondary school, I love school. After exams, while others are playing at home, awaiting the day we would vacate, I will be in class doing my own. Now that I'm in the higher institution I hate skipping classes because I love to get the exact words of my lecturers to support what is written in the handouts. Apart from that, attendance is never taken with levity in my school.

Never have I ever forged my parents' signature.

Many years ago, when my dad bought a devotional for me, I noticed the trace of his signature on the book and then I traced it to form mine. I don't need to forge my parents' signature. It is unnecessary. Moreover, whatever I do to my parents, my children will also do to me.

Never have I ever made fake excuses for being late.

Whenever I go late to school, I have genuine reasons for it and I don't need to make any fake excuse. At times, my genuine excuses are not acceptable before my teachers not to talk of a fake one. During my first year in higher institution, I went late to a class because I thought the lecturer would not be around because he is always inconsistent and not predictable. That day, as I entered the LR, I became the topic of discussion till the end of the lecture that day.

Never have I ever bullied anybody.

I remember my primary school days. I was very gentle but whenever my younger sister makes me angry, I can do anything to punish her and I once threw her basket of food away but that was then. I'm actually an introvert, gentle as a dove. I don't do people harm.

Never have I ever cheated in exam.

I once cheated while I was in primary three. I was so young then and I only did what I must have seen my mate do. But since I became aware and conscious of the consequences of examination malpractice here and after, I have never engaged in it. All through my six years in the secondary school and till now in the higher institutionI have never cheated not even to look into another person's book. I don't talk while examination is going on. Some of my mates and seniors hate me for this but I am not bothered. The most important thing to me is that on my part, Christ is glorified.

Thank you so much for reading my own version of this challenge. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Please, do well to click the 'like' button and comment as well.

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Written by
2 years ago


I love the last sentence where you said you don´t talk during exam and because of that, they hate you but you know that God is being glorified through that. Same thing with me. Perhaps, I only talk when I sit with my friends but many times I do pray we shouldn´t sit together so I can do my work peacefully and move out. Though my friends are intelligent too, but there are times you don´t feel like saying anything for the fear that you would be caught.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice reading your version dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you 💓

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like the fact that you are not bothered about your seniors and mates not liking you because you decided not to cheat. I like your principles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is nice to read your response to the prompt! You seem like a principled person and that's result nice

$ 0.00
2 years ago

One assertion of yours I picked out and found very useful is whatever we do to our parents, our children will also do it to us, mind you, in multiple folds. Gentle as a dove...😁😳

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So glad that you have your own version too😊 Being a student is very memorable so far. Thanks for the mention.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome 💖

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome 💖

$ 0.00
2 years ago