workaholic be like

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2 years ago

It's a very tiring but productive day for me. My eyes are heavy and fluffy due to whole day and overtime usage of laptop. And here I am still using my phone because I couldn't.....

That was my unfinished line last night. I thought I couldn't sleep but I didn't know I already doze off. 😅

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Hello everyone happy happy Saturday. Weekend is the best day because it give us some "Me" time though not totally because we need to do some task at home. Some laundry and house chores but yeah it's great to take some rest from work loads.

I literally doze off last night because of so much work done. I had an over time work with my boss and it's my first time in a long time. Since I don't have job for a year now. For a long time I don't have much work to do and I used to have some rest in between every sessions or I can have rest anytime I want because my schedule is very flexible but not now that I have my new job.

Since my boss is working from home during Friday, I went to his house as well. I work there and also stays there for the night. I wake up early this morning for me to go home and be able to catch the one and only bus that serve as the transportation here in my work place to my home town. I am still sleepy because I sleep late but I need to get up. I also did not have a nice sleep because it's my first time sleeping there and I have that attitude that whenever I sleep in the first time in any house I couldn't sleep well.

I am tired having to travel from my work place to my home town. It's a one and half hour ride and it's so bumpy since it's raining hard. While traveling I always think of the work loads that I have. I close my eyes but my brain is thinking of so many things and most of it is work related stuff. I couldn't rest well. I guess I would when I came home. But I still can't. I am laying in my bed by the time I came home. It's I guess 7:30 am I just eat breakfast and rest for a bit and then decided to lay in my bed. I really wanted to sleep. I am so sleepy but my brain continue to think of my workloads. My body is so tired. It's already 3:00 pm when I decided to get up from my bed and went to my friend's house. We went to the chapel and decorate the chapel. We created the "Belen" Christmas decorations, some stars and stuffs that add some beauty to our small chapel.

We just cut some cartoons, draw and color them. We hung the stars and then arrange them in the corner of the chapel.

While doing the decorations. My friend invited me to go out. She asked me to accompany her in a snack house that she never been to. I said yes to her and I leave the chapel earlier than my friend and the other youth. She pick me in our house and went together to the food park. She always wanted to go there since we always tell her we've been there many times.

Taking a selfie while ordering our food

While waiting for our food we are chatting and asking how's our weekend. She told hers and I told mine. With her there's no boring times. We have this bond that connects our soul. While chatting her I wasn't thinking of workloads anymore. I feel a bit relax and carefree. Few moments later. Our food arrived.

We order some chocolate dipped waffle and a set of street foods. We continue chatting while eating. While listening to her, I realized we do need friends in this life. We could share things that we couldn't share to our family. It's not that we value them than our family. It's just we don't want to burden our parents from our problems as well. It's good to share to them though but when we know they have so much worries already we should feel the hesitation of unloading our problem to them. But if we have friends who are willing to listen and would not judge us of our lapses. We always feel lighten and ease.

I am happy because I have someone like her in my life. I always value her and make sure I let her feel that way. Thanks to her I am now feeling relax and not thinking the workloads. I believe I could sleep soundly tonight especially that the weather is a bit cold because it's raining. I should enjoy my rest day, as much as I could and I hope I could tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will be traveling back to my work place again. I hope the weather would be good and my travel would be safe.

I think I just feel the pressure of having the job. Maybe by next week I will get used to it and feel a bit comfortable about it. I hope so because I don't want to not enjoy the moment while working. I should be practicing leaving the work from the working place. And be relax whenever out from work. Maybe that way I wouldn't be burn out in the next few months coming. I hope and pray I won't because I need this job.

Being workaholic is good if it's put in the proper way, time and place. It's a good attitude because you feel being productive and it's very addicting. But if it's done so much and it would lead you being tired and burn out then you would probably think now.

Are you still having the time to enjoy yourself while working?

If yes, then you are good. You are still in the right way of being workaholic. But if you are always working or even thinking work outside working time and place then it's not good for you. You will get tired eventually and stop. You wouldn't enjoy the people around you as well because of that. You also not giving time of yourself.

Working is good especially if you are productive. We always wanted to have job or work for us to feel functional and useful but too much of it isn't good. I guess to much of everything to be exact isn't good.

Therefore I should learn to separate work from now on. For me to still enjoy myself outside work. Work is the source of the money we have that's why we enjoy life and the things we wanted to have. But we should know that work isn't the only thing that make as alive. And being alive means to feel happy.

I thanks God for reminding me of that things. I am glad I have the people around me who allow me to be reminded as well.

That would be all for today folks. Blessed Saturday. Keep safe and God bless.

Lead image from unsplash

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2 years ago


Laban lungs makapressure jod kay Sir Joseph naman na haha. At least makahibaw kas ija nature of work and stuff. It would be easy for you when you will be in his place soon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lageh haha kakayanins lungsss 😁😁 kaya mukat agi hahaha

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2 years ago