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2 years ago

Congratulations to the newly wed Mr. and Mrs. Decamon. Also to myself of surpassing the role and play a big part of today's success. A round for a job well done. πŸ˜πŸ‘

Sponsors of ThisisGrace21

Hello my dear friends, especially to my sponsors, I thank you all for your unending love and support. God bless.

Married life is a journey with God therefore we must ask his divine providence through it. I am glad this two finally choose to journey marriage with God and I wish them more graces and blessings to receive. Congratulations to the both of them. Off course this journey was no easy and was very challenging before going to this part. With every struggles we see the beauty of life.

The beauty of having a loving family that supports all through out. Through thick and thin and would accept whatever spectrum you have place in life. The family that stands with you in solid ground and believes in you when you don't even believe in yourself. This couple had found great family with them. Such a wonderful picture of a flawed and not complete yet happy and strong together. There were no family from the grooms side since he came from Luzon. Though he still have mother but she couldn't make it due to financial issues.

The beauty of having true friends that you can count on. The groom may not have his family with him in this important celebration yet he has his true friends with him and that makes his celebration meaningful. Life would be more colorful when we have friends with us.

The beauty of having godparents as second parents, the newly wed may not have complete family members but their family got extend because they have they're godparents now. Having to see people that is willing to support and guide you althrough out the journey that you have chose in life, makes the journey more easy and light.

The beauty of love and it's sweetness. Marriage isn't all about bed of roses it also have thorns but when you conquire it together it would be nice. Having someone with you that would stick with you not just in good times but also in bad times.

The beauty of staying faithful towards the person you love amidst all the trials you've been through. The exchange of vows in front of the lord will makes your love grows stronger and deeper because God is with you in that journey. The ring that symbolizes the bond that you will have the rest of your life.

The beauty of happiness that the hearts contain because of the people that surrounds you. It could be anyone, family, friends, relatives everyone. The happiness that could erase all the uneasiness of the married life. Life isn't about being happy all the time but it's about choosing to be happy even with all the struggles that have been through.

The beauty of all the gifts that was given by God. The gift of everyday life, the gift of family, friends and every gifts that was given that the Lord has given through the people as the instruments. We may be struggling but we have people around us. We just needed to be sensetive to actually feel and appreciate every gift we have.


Life is beautiful. It may require us to choose the journey we want to walk through but if we have family that supports us, friends that cheer us up, people that genuinely cares about us and willing to guide us, and become more sensitive to all the gifts ang graces of God towards us as well as in line the will of god to ours then everything will go smoothly and accordingly.

The wedding was a successful one. I did my best shot to my role and I am proud of myself for being the designer, the host and at the same time the photographer. Struggling yet I love what I do and I am happy. Nothing can exchange to that. The bride give her thanks to me through giving cash but I did not want it. I told her all I hope and pray that when it's my time there will be people behind my back as well that would support me. That her words of thanks is enough.

That would be all for today friends. I couldn't afford to mention everything that happens today therefore I just cut few moments. I hope you enjoy and get a lesson or two. Thank you.

$ 5.23
$ 5.23 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago


wow congrats sis sa achievements mo, job well done hehe ang saya nung newly wed πŸ’šπŸ’š

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you sis.. happy din ako for them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sanaol gikasala 😊 ag designer kunoy sunod kaslon marengs😁 ikaw napuy ehh free nila hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha naol e free πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago