360 degree

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2 years ago

Today I feel like I am spiderman, having to perform my jobs that requires great responsibility. It was like a 360 degree turn of almost everything and in every turn requires to leave a mark and be responsible.

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To my dearest sponsors, I thank God all of you for staying with me all this time. Keep safe and God bless.

I wake up early today but here I am sleeping late. Trying to hold my sleepy eyes just to write something for today. It was just 5:00 am when I woke just to leave early going to the bank. I did arrive early at the bank and it was still close so I waited for it to open. And I finished my transaction early and gone home early as well. I arrived home at exactly 12:00 noon and I ate my lunch. Without having any relaxation I went to my neighbor right away to finished the task I am required to do. I put all the decorations I prepared for the previous days.


I finished putting everything at 4:00 in the afternoon and I thought I couldn't make it to the last novena in the chapel but I made it. It's the last novena for our fiesta celebration tomorrow. After having the last novena, I helped arrange the flowers that they bought just for tomorrow's celebration. I wasn't able to click some photos because I am so busy. Hmm, lately I always missed capturing things, especially on what I am doing. So, I will include it for my writing tomorrow. After, arranging the flowers for the altar, I went back to our neighbor where I design for her wedding tomorrow. It was already 8:00 pm but I don't have my dinner yet. So she let me eat first before we arrange tables and chairs and put some mattress with it. I went home past 9:00 almost 10:00 in the evening and I was so tired yet I needed to prepare for the flow of the program tomorrow so as the tone for the responsorial psalm for the mass tomorrow.

Wheeeewww! What a busy day indeed.


I did a lot of job for today personal and social responsibilities. From the bank up to the the church, it was no easy but I know I have to be responsible of the task that was handed and put up in my shoulders. It's a responsibility that was covered by my different roles in life. A friend, a neighbor, a daughter of my family and of God. The 360 degree of my life. Life isn't compose only for your personal so as your community. In every turn makes sure you have contributed yourself and leave a mark because life will not be a wholesome if it only one side that grows. Therefore, let yourself explore and grow within that 360 degree and be fruitful.

That would be all for today. Thank you so much for reading.

Lead image from Unsplash

$ 1.71
$ 1.70 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Oyinwrites
Sponsors of ThisisGrace21
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2 years ago


ang ganda naman ng outcome ng ginawa mo sis hehe.. good job 💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you sis 😊 happy nku pag may nakakaappriate sa gawas ko

$ 0.00
2 years ago

maganda naman kasi sis hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago