Why Diet Soda Really is Bad For You

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3 years ago
Topics: Diet, Sugar, Artificial, Health, Life, ...

For years, diet soda has become all the rage because it was thought to be a good alternative to reducing the sugar in one's diet. 

Our society decided that sodas were a must-have beverage at almost any cost and when soda companies offered what they deemed as a healthy alternative to our sugar addiction, we flocked to it like a brood of bloodthirsty vampires hunting for their next meal. 

Soda companies knew just how to hit that addictive sweet spot by using artificial sweeteners instead of sugar in their beverages. 

Yes, you can point out that diet soda has been around for nearly 70 years, but is it really worth your health? 

For one, diet soda has no nutritional value whatsoever. It contains sodium, sugars, artificial sweeteners, colors, and other additives your body doesn't need and can't really process. 

In addition, those artificial sweeteners are 10 times sweeter than regular sugar, making that diet soda even more addictive. The more of those artificial sweeteners you consume, the more you want sweets!

And let's not forget the acids which are not only used to give that soda tartness but also have been linked to destroying the enamel on your teeth. 

And those added colors, flavorings, and preservatives are actually chemicals that may be a health risk as well. 

What's even scarier is the fact that some of those beverage manufacturers are now adding vitamins and minerals to disguise their products to unsuspecting consumers as a healthy diet soda. 

Another concern is that diet sodas also contain caffeine, which can become just as addictive as sugar and is considered a psychoactive drug. 

Yet worst of all, diet soda may be linked to health issues like bone loss, depression, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, and diabetes. 

But despite all of the possible health concerns, one thing is certain, diet soda has no nutritional value no matter how you look at it. 

So if you by chance are considering crossing that bridge of no return or you are already there, you may want to replace it with a better alternative such as an herbal tea or nutritional drink like GO from Mantra Labs. 


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3 years ago
Topics: Diet, Sugar, Artificial, Health, Life, ...
