My last tip (...or is it?)

0 1729
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1 year ago

I have just given my last tip. project has been created with a mission to popularize Bitcoin Cash. Unfortunately, it has failed to deliver on that promise.

With the invention of AI writing, unfortunately the price per article is quickly approaching $0.00. Anyone can generate any article today for free on any topic and it will seem quite reasonable and sometimes an OK read. However, with the price to generate an article reaching $0.00, it doesn't make much sense to pay even $0.01 per article.

We think that AI will be a great assistant for the good writers in the future, but unfortunately currently it's mostly used to cheat.

Times have changed. Let's move on with the times.

* In the spirit of the article, the lead image generated by AI.

And this one too

$ 33.80
$ 7.00 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 3.10 from @ZeroRequiem
$ 3.03 from @Unity
+ 72
Avatar for TheRandomRewarder
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This user is who they claim to be.
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1 year ago
