Some Activities Hypnotize Us

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Written by
2 years ago

Do you know hypnotizing is real? Well, I have seen it for real. Read somewhere they are real. But can't believe it unless someone hypnotizes me. But somehow I felt this hypnotic feeling in fact I was feeling it for a long time, just it fogged my mind in such a way that I wasn't able to recognize or accept it. I am not talking about actual hypnotism but some habitual hypnotic activities that completely trap and control our minds and activities. We have a sense that they are controlling us still we couldn't take any decision against it to stop it.

It's not the case for everyone as some may have a strong mindset and willpower and they broke out of their control or keeps a distance from such things. And I will today discuss some of the activities that control or hypnotize us to a great degree and affect our human lives. I will include both good and bad points as sometimes this hypnotism can benefit one a lot.

Smartphones And Social Life

None will disagree with this point. The smartphone and social life are too controlling. People who spent lots of time in it don't realize they are being controlled. You were supposed to use it for 10-15minutes but you scroll posts, from one video or reel to another you don't realize you had already used your 1hr in those activities. Entertainment is a must-have thing in people's life. But these Smartphones and social media are taking and trapping people's minds into their own world and people act like hypnotized using smartphones. Many times we can see people not reacting to our words when using smartphones, this is kind of a hypnotic effect.

Minding Your Own Business Or Work

I'm that kind of guy who won't budge even if anyone calls or say to do anything unless it's an emergency. I let myself get hypnotized by whatever I am doing to avoid my focus being lost. Trust me this works superbly. When you are extra focused on something you think better, utilize it better, and at last perform better. Just because I let myself be hypnotized.

Human Hypnotism

Some shy people fall into the victim to human hypnotism where they aren't being truly hypnotized but in some way, they are where others' words and thoughts are more important and valuable than theirs. Some get so much influenced that they forget they have their own thinking and life. And live there life being controlled by others words.

Points To Avoid Being Hypnotised

It can be found in digital wellbeing settings inside the phone settings or in the notification bar.
  • For Smartphones, I suggest you use Focus Mode which force stops selected applications and will not bother you with any notifications if you want to use the blocked app you can use them for 5 minutes while in that mode. I use this mode most of the time. And it gives me control over my activities while using a smartphone.

  • And for hypnotizing activities, try to make your day-to-day schedule or routine of what will you do on that day. And be disciplined and stick with the routine, I'm telling you you will be very less distracted or manipulated. And make your will stronger and the most important part try to make your decisions by yourself and get a sense of right and wrong. And ask yourself when you feel distracted, Do I really need this?

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Final Thoughts

And this was my version some may have more activities luring and benefitting them. Feel free to share. Being Hypnotised isn't always a bad thing. We just have to understand and realize what's time wasting and what's time worth.

Today I watched an Anime series 'Psycho Pass ' after a long time and I got hypnotised by it so much that I lost from afternoon it was evening, lol. It was such an excellent series which is based on manipulation of governments and supercomputers in which people are judged by some numbers and considered as criminals based on their mental health. It's pretty good I would suggest anime watchers to do give a look on it but only on 1st season. The other seasons are boring and don't get hypnotised watching it, haha. Seems like I had a long way to get a strong mindset.

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Written by
2 years ago


Hahaha no one can disagree with the phone and social media part. They are too addictive and controlling if one is not careful. We live our lives practically on our phones with so much controlling apps on the phones. We need to work on it. Everyone including me. It can distract us from doing the things we ought to do.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ah, even after writing this. It still hypnotises me, lol. Gotta take self-discipline to next level to tackle this.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, we gotta take it to the next level and tackle it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have been hypnotized by my phone, that it got to a stage that I rarely drop it for a second. Focus Mode is really helpful. I have been using it now since January and I'm seeing improvement

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same brother this utility device has too much control over us. Better we should maintain some distance from it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ouh no! I AM always hypnotized by my phoneπŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would say for some people it's the only way to spent their time. But yeah don't let your phone hit you in some of your nerves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Few days ago I was very addicted to Facebook. I used to spend most of my time there. It was causing problems in my daily work. Later I turn on focus mode on mobile to get out of this addiction. Now I can't spend more than 1 hour on Facebook even if I want to. Anyway your article is very helpful. Thanks

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good to know you already used focused mode. It's great against distracting social media applications.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Giving your work the extra attention is one of the best discipline and way to hypnotize someone who needs success.

Few times when we need great results, we get hypnotized by whatever we do, focus on our work.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah it can be used in a good and bad way. We have both the options.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Social media can hypnotize us, because when we got addicted to it, we seems to lose our focus and we can't accomplished the things we need to do...

$ 0.00
2 years ago