Winners Never Quit, Quitters Never Win
29th of December 2021.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with this expression my father once told me,
"If you quit once, you'll quit again. If you win once, you will win again."
Today I want to talk about winning and how important it is to believe in yourself and never quit. You see, life is like a marathon where the finish line is death.
I'm not exactly sure what happens after that but I'm guessing you can't read this so I guess we'll never know. But, I digress.
I know many of you don't have a lot of belief in yourselves. You feel like a loser, you feel like you're not intelligent enough, or that you don't have what it takes to stand out.
But why?
Is it because of your upbringing?
Your environment? Your friends? Your peers?
Maybe your parents have told you something along the lines of, "You're not good enough," or, "You'll never make it.
Today's success is the result of yesterday's diligence.
The key to success is not to be in the spotlight, but rather to work in the shadows.
When you are full of enthusiasm and you put as much enthusiasm into everything that you do. You will be amazed at how much you can accomplish.
Remember, winners never quit, and quitters never win.
The world is full of people that are either winners or quitters.
A winner is the person that will never give up on life no matter how hard it gets.
On the other hand, a quitter always gives up on life when things get hard and tough.
Whatever that you do in life today, if you have a dream, you must have it to pursue it until the end.
Winners never quit, quitters never win.
That is the mantra that has propelled me to success after success in anything and everything I’ve ever attempted.
I’ll be honest though, I have quit a few times. I’ve given up on relationships, dreams, ideas and goals and usually, I regret quitting almost immediately afterward.
The old saying that goes “Winners never quit, quitters never win” is so profound, and it’s been said by many people with many different variations.
What I find very intriguing about this quote is the fact that it has not gone out of style. It’s a quote that has been around for decades.
The winner never quit and the quitter never won. - Vince Lombardi.
It's full of truth, FACT: if you quit you'll never win. Doesn't matter if you're a pro-athlete, entrepreneur or even if you're a stay-at-home Mum, quitting is not an option.
It's easy to spend your time on anything but your business. It's easy to wallow in self pity because you're a Mum or Dad, still trying to start up your business. It's easy to be afraid or make excuses because you're sitting at a desk for the first time in your life.
The importance of perseverance is a lesson that is not always learned.
From a young age, we are taught to keep trying, to not give up, to always push forward—but, as adults, we often forget the true meaning of those words.
The importance of perseverance is something that California-based author Mary Catherine Bateson knows well. After growing up in a family of journalists and the daughter of the anthropologist Margaret Mead, Bateson decided to pursue her own career in the realm of publishing. But not all was as it appeared.
After graduating from college and working as an assistant in publishing, Bateson left her job to pursue her dream of writing novels. She worked retail and as a maid and eventually had two children, but she never stopped writing.
After being rejected by agents for years, finally Bateson was able to get an agent who helped her find a publisher for her first novel "Comfort & Joy," which was published in 1977.
When people are faced with difficulties they sometimes quit. Sometimes quitting is a good thing, other times it's bad.
What makes the difference is why you're quitting and what else you're doing with your time. If you quit something that is bad for you because it's bad for you, then that's great! But if you quit something because it's hard, it might not be your best choice.
Your father hit it point blank, I must say... Nothing comes easy, we must sacrifice something for it... We just have to keep pushing