What Happens At The Resort...Stays At The Resort (I)

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2 years ago

Thursday, 19 August

Good day everyone, it's been far too long. I just want to grace y'all with this interesting tale. It's quite different from my usual articles but I'm certain that you guys would enjoy it. Earlier today, I was experiencing the worst case of writer's block, so I talked to my Aunt about it and she suggested I write about this experience. This tale was narrated to me by my Aunt and she's yet to disclose the veracity of this experience. This tale is going to be in my Aunt's point of view. For the sake of privacy, I would use fictional characters but the experience is as real as I assume it to be.

So, here goes nothing...

Photo Credit- unsplash.com

I'm in the kitchen making breakfast while my fiance puts our coffee together. We both take it the same way with a tablespoon of cream and a pack of sweetener. We tend to take a lot of things the same way. We're so in sync with each other sometimes he feels more like my twin than my soon-to-be husband. One can say he's a stud. He's tall, muscled, dark-haired with hazel eyes (yeah, that's right! I've actually met him so I know😊) whereas I'm what you'd refer to as athletically lean and tall with coffee brown eyes (yeah that's also true!)


"Babe?" He slides a steaming mug in front of me with a faint grin on his lips.

"Yes, dear" I answered.

"You've barely touched your meal, you seem to be lost in thought. Are you okay? What are you thinking about?"

Looking down at my plate, I grimaced, "Us."

"What do you mean, what about us? Is it about our honeymoon. I know the wedding is in 2 weeks and we've yet to decide where to go for the honeymoon but you shouldn't worry about it. I'm sure we'll figure it out."

I hold a steady gaze at him as I slowly shake my head while seeking to explain my jumbled thoughts, "It's not about that. I've just been thinking lately about a lot-some other things. Like we plan everything. We plan our activities; we even plan everything we eat. There are never any surprises, no spontaneity whatsoever..."

Photo Credit- unsplash.com

I love Jacob, he's my best friend, my husband to be, my soulmate; Both twenty-six, we've been in each other's lives practically all our lives. Our parents are the best of friends, we grew up together, attended the same schools from kindergarten all the way through University. We've been together since we were in secondary school. We moved in together immediately after university and just fifteen months ago, he asked me to marry him by simply making breakfast and placing the ring right on top of the dish. I sat there with my mouth agape. So, naturally I said yes but not until he washed off the ring and slipped it on my finger. Not the grandest of proposals but I admired his creativity. The wedding is in 2 weeks.

I do love Jacob, he's my one and only significant other. He's my soulmate, My best friend, my one, my fiance (okay! Is it just me or is she trying to convince me or herself) I just wish... I'm not certain what I wish. Mayhaps that we weren't so banal and engaging in monotonous behaviour. Not that I blame him but it just feels so prosaic.

Noticing the expression on his face waver between confusion, panic and fear, I tried to quiet his thoughts and put him at ease. "Honey, the truth is I've just been stressed. With the wedding fast approaching, the preparations and even our undecided honeymoon plans, I just feel so worked up. I think I just need a break. No! Not a break from you, just like a vacation. Like a weekend to relax and clear my head. Some place like a resort centre. That isn't too much to ask, is it?"

"No, it isn't babe. I think that it's okay. You can take a break this weekend to relax and decompress. Just forget about the wedding preparations. I know you've been stressing about it and if taking this vacation would help put you at ease then go for it. I only want what's best for you."

I had a sheepish expression on my face and a tiny grin playing on my lips. "Alright then. This weekend it is. I love you, honey. I'll go now and start looking for a fancy resort and get my things in order. Thanks for letting me do this."

Photo Credit- unsplash.com

A/N: Oh wow! I'm just so excited to know what happens next. My Aunt refused to complete the tale and she's making wait till tomorrow, sorry guys. By the way, what do you guys think would happen at the resort. Is it just me or does it feel like this idea can be likened to lighting a cigarette next to a bucket of gasoline? And yet, I am intrigued and fascinated by this and I can't wait to hear more about this.

>>Good day everyone again, I'm always glad to have the opportunity to share my writeup here once again. This is one of many amazing writeups I'm going to be sharing and I'm just elated. I'm Grateful literally and figuratively.

Looking forward to your comments. Please endeavour to subscribe and upvote. Also, I want to take this time to appreciate my sponsors for the sponsorship. Thank you all so much and I trust you have a great day. I love you all.

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2 years ago


That's it? Haha. Your aunt left all of us eating popcorn and wondering about what comes next!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Done already? Lol! I think there's more to it. You got us holding on to our seats and intrigued.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I got me holding on to my seat too. We'll see what happens next

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha that kind of suspense😂 can't wait to read what comes next. I ain't going to spoil things by writing what I though would happen, lol!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah I know right! I also have thoughts on what I think might happen but I'm gonna keep that to myself and hear the actual story from her view

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha yes, will wait :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You people should stop putting me in suspense na😂😂😂😂 . That's exactly what QueenRay has been doing and you are following her,lols. Please tell your aunt to spice up the concluding part quickly,I can't wait

$ 0.00
2 years ago

🤣🤣🤣 I also can't wait too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tell your aunt, we are anticipating the remaining part of the story. We need full gist. Nice write-up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure will. I'm also anticipating it. I'll make sure to get the gist asap

$ 0.00
2 years ago

"What happens at the resort..." i foresee something grand happening. Something that will shake the relationship but maybe their love will prevail and survive the upcoming collision.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm not even sure myself but we'll see, won't we?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we will🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago