Wednesday, 3rd November
Good day everyone, how are you all holding up? It's such a beautiful day today, isn't it? I for one, think so and as such I'm going to make the most of my today, being productive and I say that with so much enthusiasm and optimism. Still such a beautiful, beautiful day. I feel the least I could do is appreciate how beautiful the day is, if anything.
As you must have gathered from my topic today, this is an article about "Change." The constant, unpredictable, inevitable, inordinate nature of change. Before I jump right in, I would like to share one of my favourite quotes, so to speak, on this matter, The Serenity Prayer;
The Serenity Prayer is a prayer written by the American Theologian "Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)." It is commonly quoted as-
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardship as a pathway to peace; taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will; so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen."
Personally, I love this "quote" because it represents letting go of situations beyond our control and taking action towards things within our control.
That being said, let's get right to it then, shall we?
The Constant, Unpredictable, Inevitable, Inordinate Nature Of Change...
People are usually unwilling to make changes in their lives after being accustomed to a certain lifestyle. However, the can cause a lot of problems, as changing circumstances often make a change in lifestyle inevitable. Take for instance, people leaving their country and relocating abroad for various reason. Such people basically uproot their lives as they know it. They will face many challenges and that's a fact. It's inescapable. It would take a lot of adaptation, like to the weather, the new culture and habits, even learning new languages than they're used to.
Again, at some point in their lives, some people may have cause to change career. The reasons are somewhat varied and needn't concern us. But career changes inevitably necessitate the acquisition of a different set of skills and experience. In the new job there's need to adapt to new routines, new friends and colleagues at work.
In the face of the present climate of economic recession and related circumstances, people may lose their jobs as the organisation tries to adjust to the adverse situation by downsizing. A worker who loses their job obviously has to adjust to a new lifestyle - at least until a new job comes along.
Outside the work domain, other changes constantly continues to take place. For example, relationships and marriages. The transition from being single to having a partner means adaptation to said partner, raising children if any, and discarding many habits, often reckless and impulsive, associated with being single.
Finally, as painful and undesirable as it is, death is unavoidable. The ultimately loss of a loved one often turns people's lives upside down, and necessitates a drastic change in lifestyle. Many people never anticipate such a loss, and if unfortunately it does occur, it can be quite devastatingly crippling.
A/N: I would say this, people have to be ready for any changes that may occur in their lives, as change in its ordinacy, is inevitable and there is no guarantee for anyone that life will be stable forever. Yeah we have to be ready doesn't necessarily mean that we always are. It's just the nature of change.
The.Ada signing out!
It's really hard for me to let go of things I can't control, I just beat up myself every time and think about what i could have done differently