Side Effects: 1st Dose Experience!

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Avatar for Thania05
2 years ago

Last friday, we were vaccinated by the 1st dose, which is pfizer.  It was all successfully done with the help of the frontliners in our locality such as nurses, doctors, LGU staff, police officers, and fire fighters. They were all doing their best just to make the vaccination well even if there was still no proper management at some point but in the end it was all fine. 

To those who have fully vaccinated, for sure there are side effects they felt after. And in my case, I cannot deny the fact that I experienced those too. It was not easy but I can still handle the pain. 

Saturday and Sunday, I had mild side effects I felt in my body was the reason I wasn't able to write an article. 

The Side Effects 

Dizzy Body 

This side effect based on my survey, it's been a normal feeling as they said. My body for the last two days seems to do nothing but just lay in bed and sleep. Dizziness and laziness hits me and turns out to have nothing to do. 

Mild Headache

During the vaccination when we were just falling in line to follow the process, I already had a headache caused by the rain since it was raining that time. I felt that my head was not in good condition. After a while, when we were done vaccinating I felt like I was drunk. My sight was spinning round like I cannot walk straight. But still I handled it. I need to be like nothing was wrong. Lol. 😂 Good thing my blood pressure was stable to normal. 🙏


As the orientation discussed by the nurse, the other side effect of the vaccine was feeling hungry. You seem to want to eat more and more. You wanted to have something every hour and then. You are starving somewhat you want. Based on my experience, after we vaccinated, I was looking for a food to eat some. Thanks to God that my older sister bought a pieces of bread for us to have something to eat. But even without vaccination, I always felt this way. Lol. Like I am always hungry. Haha kidding aside😁

Muscle Pain

This is absolutely true. The next day after the vaccination, the pain where I was vaccinated started to swell. The pain was there that cause me to lay in bed one side only. It came to the point that I need to stay still. I often raise my left arm (since the left was vaccinated) because of the pain i felt. I don't want that someone will touch my arm or slap. It came to the point that I need to put hot compress to ease the pain and take a paracetamol every 4 hours. (as the nurses told us to do so). It lasted for 24 hours but thankfully, on Sunday, the pain was gone. I was able to carry my baby again on my left arm.

So far, these are just the side effects I've experienced from the first dose. It was all mild effects because I could still handle those. I could still do the household chores regularly. I was grateful and thankful that these are just I had not like the other whom were vaccinated experience a hard time to overcome those. Most of them experienced high fever that they need to fight physically. But based on my survey as I asked those people who are fully vaccinated was that they said that, " the more your body suffered from those side effects really hard are the most effective". They added that, "it is better that you experienced those really hard because it just mean that the vaccine really manipulated in your human body. The lesser the chance you will be infected by the virus. "

For me, it depends. As long as you have a strong immune system, you will not be infected by the virus. The stronger your body is, the virus will not be part of you but of course with the help of the mercy of God. He is the only one who knows who will be infected or not. His will be done. 

Piece of advice: 

To be apart from COVID, the secret weapon for that is a firm faith and stronger relationship with God. Surely, He will not let that virus run your body. 😊

That's all for today. Thank you for reading and dropping by. God bless everyone.! God loves you, He really does. 💕


To my generous and beautiful sponsors, thank you for sharing your blessings. Truly, the abundance of God will be part of your life. 🙏

To my readers, commenters, upvoters, and subscribers,thank you for everything that you spent. 💕😊 Godspeed!🙏

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Avatar for Thania05
2 years ago


When i take my first dose of Sinovac, i did not feel anything weird tho. I guess i do have a strong immune system. Anyways, thanks for this informative article of yours. ❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow.. Thank you sir. Good luck to our 2nd dose.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If you have symptoms of fever, headache, dizziness and body pain it means the anti bodies are working. Take rest and enjoy gud fud.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes maam. Thank you po.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I got headache, fever, fatigue, and hunger pangs.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hindi ako ngkalagnat sis. Pero nakakatamad lang. Heheh

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Buti ka pa sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hindi ka inantok sis? Ako inantok after ng vaccine.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hindi po. Nagutom ako sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ahahaha....iba iba nga talaga ang reaction . Pero we're lucky na sobrang mild lang ng sa atin :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes po... Mild lang talaga. Thanks to God. ☝😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

kami din mag asawa sis, halos wala ngang side effect eh..antok lang ahahaha saka yung pangangalay ng braso na tinurukan

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Same here sis... 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago