Accepting The Reality

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2 years ago
Topics: Reality, Fact, Accept

Last night, I published an article regarding the health condition of my husband's mother or my mother-in-law. I stated there that her condition is severe already to the point that she can't able to talk, walk, and eat alone. She wanted to live a little longer but we don't know about God's plan if God will let it happen. He is the one who has the right on when He will take back life for He is the one who created us or our creator.

For now, my mother-in-law is still fighting for her health. She is not healthy anymore. She is weak and unstable. The doctor said she needs to be transferred to a bigger hospital but how? How can we get enough money to go there? We also need a nurse to take care of her of course, we need to pay for her. How would be it possible if money is our number one lacking? They can't go there without the finances they need. I don't know but I think my mother-in-law won't ever survive based on her condition. 😩 if ever that happens, we will need to accept the reality that our life is just temporary or borrowed from the creator. Hays! I know it's painful but we don't have a choice. 😒

By now, my husband is trying to accept the outcome of his mother's condition. He is trying to slowly admit the reality would happen for the next few days if she will never be healed. He is keeping his faith strong enough to face this kind of battle they had right now. I know that my husband has a stronger faith that would surely recover him gradually.

My husband and I keep on praying for the condition of his mother hoping it will be back to her normal health. We are begging God to heal our mother because we know it will never be simple if she will be gone with us. It will never be the same again if she will be out of our sight of having a mother. Our life will be lacking if our mom will leave us forever. But we can't do anything but wait for the next result and on God's will. πŸ™ we are still fighting for her.πŸ’ͺ

As his wife, if ever happen that my mother in law will be taken by God, I will be her crying shoulder and her number comforter. I know it will never be easy to accept it knowing that our mother is our strength. I know that it will take time before my husband will fully recover from it but I know for sure that God will also give him sufficient strength. God will never leave.

Closing Thought:

Our life is just borrowed from God, indeed He is also the one who will take it. All of us will be gone in this world and that is the fact. No one is excused by that. We are just here in this world living temporarily since this is not the real home that God prepared for us. At our present time, we should live our life to the fullest. Enjoy the moment and treasure everything. But we should not also forget to take care of ourselves. Avoid unnecessary things. Resist the evil actions and do good to others most importantly, know God with all your heart. Be saved by His grace and serve accordingly by His will. πŸ˜‡

That would be all for today's update regarding my husband's mom. Hoping tomorrow she will be transferred to another hospital. I humbly please include my mother in law to your prayers. Thank you all. God bless. Shalom! πŸ™

Date published: January 26, 2022
Blessed author: Thania05 πŸ“

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Avatar for Thania05
2 years ago
Topics: Reality, Fact, Accept


Sabi nga nila, hiram lang buhay. Para sa akin live your life to the fullest Talaga. We may have mistakes but we have the chance to correct it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Stay strong po. I know God has better plans to all of you. But, as long as she's still breathing, please don't lose hope yet. We'll pray for you. πŸ™

$ 0.00
2 years ago

May God provide instruments for you to be able to take her to the bigger hospital. May she relive her strength by God's grace.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Let's hope she gets better. And if she doesn't, then you'd have to accept it. Stay strong pls!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So sorry to hear this po. Praying for your family. Whatever happens, God is in control.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aw, it will be a hard process sis, been there with my husband when his mom passed away. Just continue to be there for him. πŸ™

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is so sad... Losing the person who raised us is the most heartbreaking part in our life 😒. At that point, you'll just wish for a miracle to happen, after all nothing is impossible as long as she's still fighting. Be strong to you and your husband po

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Acceptance is the key to move onto the next phase of our lives. We must accept what ever changes we can experience.

$ 0.00
2 years ago