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Written by
2 years ago

Greetings to a new page

Having a great time learning about the page.

I like it that people keep creating things that can help others grow.

As a mother and trader,I always forget other part of me that I used to love so much. Writing is one of them.

And now that my kids are all grown up ,I finally have time to pen down things .

It's so much fun watching children grow,but deep down,we parents don't really want our babies to grow up.

Next thing you know, your little princess already has a boyfriend...like I'm too young to be a grandma.

Not withstanding, we want them to succeed,to be better and do great things we never did.

It was when I became a mommy that I understood the things my own mama wanted. It's quite difficult to express but something we see all mother's do. We want to be Happy and our happiness gets splitted with our children's happiness coming first and more.

I learnt a lot of life lessons for motherhood,and I'm still learning...

Away from motherhood ,

I have a message for you reading this.

No matter how old,busy or late you think you might be,never give up on your dreams. I gave up on alot of things from my youth that I still ended up doing now.

Well,I won't say I'm having the highest pay or I have achieved everything I want,but supper fulfilled. There is joy in doing what you love!.

Always told myself I will get there somehow someday back then when things didn't go so well .

And yup!I'm happy today.

How much effort do we put to our dreams? Are you a dream chaser or not?

Some people question their abilities, doubts and other obstacles.

But the main obstacle is you.

My greatest obstacle was myself.

I was having a conversation with one of my daughters and she explained her experience as a receptionist. She always wanted to be a musician but at some point,she gave up. She gave up because of the weakness and doubts she had .

Not untill she met one of her friends who also pursued music back then. Worked into her place of work and she was forced to address her as ma. Not until they recognized each other. They shared their stories and now, she awoke all her musical dreams back.

The way somethings will happen in one's life it is just like an eye opener to do better and see things from another Angle.

Basically,life is worth living if you don't cage yourself because of what people say or think or do. Be in charge.

Today being Easter ,I'm just in my house with my beautiful kids and having conversations with them elated me .it made me have little flash backs to my childhood.

Most people never really grow old you know, the body does the heart . Even at my age I still see some of my old folks and we play like we never even aged .

And so, happy Easter to you and thanks for stopping by to read. Cheers

$ 0.06
$ 0.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @tpkidkai
Avatar for Tesse
Written by
2 years ago


Really nice

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy Easter Tesse and I hope that you had a fantastic Sunday.

Welcome to the read cash fam and I will be looking forward to your content here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago