Be thankful.

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Thanks simply means Appreciation. When ones is thankful to someone, or to Allahu for a deed.

Ones must be thankful at all time, to show the sign of Appreciation.

When you are given an opportunity in life, be thankful.

You have eyes, legs, hands, Parts of your body were complete, be thankful.

You are a living soul with great ful hearth, be thankful.

When one appreciate Allahu for a single deed, He will multiple it, be thankful.

Opportunity in life is not common, not all the human being in life we're givien the opportunity you have, so be thankful.

Money, property, wealth are not common but the most common things among human being in this life is Death, so for you to be living now, be thankful.

No condition is permanent, the most constant and most permanent things in this life is change, so be thankful.

Sincerity and faithfulness mind is a gift, not everybody has it, so once you have it be thankful.

Many life was given today (by giving birth) while some has been taken (death), so once you have additional life to your family, be thankful.

Always be thankful to God for everything.

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This article is very nice. I always thankful. It is very important part of our life. Without it we can not earn rewards.

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4 years ago

Wao nice write up weldone it really interesting nd thoughtful we should always be thankful in any situation.

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4 years ago

If someone appreciates a good deed, the person will surely get another good gesture. It is good to be thankful always.

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4 years ago

Never stop thanking God for all He has done for you. Be grateful, there are lot of people who wants to be like you.

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4 years ago