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2 years ago

What is Religion?

To my own understanding, is the most comprehensive and intensive manner of valuing known to human being. Remember ; we have three types of religion, which are Christian, Muslim and Tradition.


Which we worship the most high God. We all believe that Jesus died for us and rose up in the third day to testify to the power of God and to put the enemy into shame

Nowadays people are not serving God the way they should, just because civilization as take over the world,which is very wrong. God sent his begotten son to die for our sin and to redeem us back to God because of our sin, which he came to this world to accomplish his assignments.Now with all what God has done for us to show how much he loves us, we are still denieing him. The word of God says; in John 3:16 FOR GOD SO LOVE THE WORLD, THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVE IN HIM WILL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.

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2 years ago


Weldone. I see you are really keeping up with writing of articles. But all your articles are less that one minute. Can you work on writing more words? At least 3minutes for a start. Improve your points.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks for your encouragement, I will try.

$ 0.00
2 years ago