This is key to satisfying sexuality

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3 years ago

A question for all women in a relationship. What do you see when you look your partner in the eye? We hope this is the most beautiful trinity: love, respect and support. Then follows the next question. Do you think you deserve all these feelings? Your answer is very important, as your self-esteem plays an important role in maintaining close (even intimate) relationships and a satisfying and happy sex life with your partner.

Do you find yourself sexually attractive? Are you sovereign in sex and can you easily tell your partner what your greatest pleasures are? Do you know and can you show that you enjoy sex?

All of this plays an important role in sexual self-esteem.

“It’s important to think about all aspects of ourselves, because the attitude we have towards sexuality reflects our sexual self-image. How do you feel about your body when you see it in the mirror? ”

In the full scenario, our sexual self-esteem should be high. But we know that life is not ideal, which also affects our experience of ourselves. If we have experienced emotional, physical and sexual abuse in our lives, or we have been harassed, embarrassed and devalued, our sexual self-image has also been damaged. Such negative experiences can do a lot of harm, and if we don’t become aware of them and address them, we can live with the consequences for a lifetime. Women with low self-esteem tend to have more problems having sex with a partner and also otherwise, in addition, they are more likely to have a risky sex life. This is manifested mainly in the frequent change of sexual partners, unprotected sex, and the desire to satisfy a man, but not yourself.

Even if a woman does not have a bad sexual experience from the past, her sexual self-esteem may be low for other reasons. The feeling of our own sexual attraction is also related to how we feel satisfied in our body, how we look at our body weight, how many ‘mistakes and irregularities’ we find in ourselves. One study found that overweight women are more likely to experience being less sexually attractive, so they also do not want to be exposed undressed in front of a partner, have less desire for sex, avoid sexual activity more and do not enjoy it as much as they should. can.

In sexual self-esteem, it is essential to consider three things:

● The feelings we have about our body affect how we express ourselves in sexuality. We can consider how we feel in our body, which part may be causing us discomfort and dissatisfaction. Is there any part you are ashamed of? Also important is the question of who really determines how we feel in the body. Are these magazines with over-processed photos that sell a false image of ideals? Is it your co-worker,stranger, maybe parents who always comment on your appearance?

● What is your sex story? Each of us has our own sex story that begins in childhood and adolescence and influences later sexuality. The stories stem from how much was said about sexuality in the family, whether this topic was banned and related to religious and cultural performances. It also has a big impact on how our parents treated themselves, how openly they expressed affection, their first experiences of touching and masturbating.Unfortunately, some sex stories are still accompanied by feelings of shame, guilt, and anxiety.

Communication is the foundation of a good sex life. People are paying too much attention to techniques that promise a range of results, and far too little to open communication, without which sexuality cannot be of good quality. Each of us is a unique person with purely our own desires and needs, so it is a mistake to assume that a partner can read our minds. Primary sexual intercourse is the one we have with ourselves, and it is our responsibility to communicate about it with our partner as well.

If we are in a partnership with the right person who will be able to see only the most beautiful in us, then this is the most beautiful and best therapy for low sexual self-esteem. A partner who reaffirms us over and over again, extracts the best from us, and lets us know that we are queens for him, can nullify even the worst opinion we have of ourselves. This is the relationship that every woman deserves.


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Written by
3 years ago


I think communication is the key factor for healthy sexual life & both the partner should have consent & good understanding & terms to maintain a good sexual relationship

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3 years ago

Samopostovanje, samospoznaja kako mentalna tako i poznavanje svog tela. Nemati komplekse, biti zadovoljna sama sobom, biti svesna svoje seksualnosti, zelja i potreba. Zatim, naci partnera koji odgovara licnim potrebama, najbolje i mentalnim i fizickim. Razviti vezu poverenja, otvorene komunikacije. Zatim i uzivati :) Mislim da je patrijahalno drustvo unazadilo zene. Nisu svesne svoje vrednostini svoje licne seksualnosti. Sluze kao materica i kao objekt za zadovoljavanje muskih seksualnih potreba. Drago mi je sto se to menja polako. Zene postaju svesne sebe i drze do sebe, bitno im je seksualno zadovoljenje.

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3 years ago

dobro razmišljaš......ali Batabane je rekao da če se žalit kod tebe jer je ovaj članak pisan za žene hahah

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3 years ago

Moze... Da ga pretvorim u feministu :)

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3 years ago

For me i think Communication is the foundation of a good sex life. People are paying too much attention to techniques that promise a range of results, and far too little to open communication, without which sexuality cannot be of good quality. If you are not a good communicator then you are just maki sex for your pleasure and not for the pleasure of the other person

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Iz ociju se vidi sve kod partnera... cak otvori se kao knjiga...

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

ne bih znala sta da kazem,ipak je to dosta intimna stvar,da bi o tome nesto pisala.

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3 years ago

pa jeste

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3 years ago

Za uspeh jednog odnosa važna je ljubav, razumevanje, podrška, poštovanje, ali i nezavisnost.

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3 years ago

tačno tako

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3 years ago

Mnogu dobro napisano. Za da imame seksualno samopocituvanje, pred se treba samite da se sakame sebesi i da imame pocit kon naseto telo, kakvo i da e. i vtoriot vaze moment e nasiot partner, i kako sto velis ti, dokolku za nego sme najubavi, takvi kakvi sto sme, togas nema da imame nikakvi problemi.

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3 years ago

sve dolazi iz glave, ako se ima mentalne snage ima se i svega ostalog, naravno ukoliko ne postoji neki problem koji je cisto organske prirode

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3 years ago

In my opinion, i believed that sexuality is not the main reason of two people for being inloved or on how they communicate, because many people now was only make loved just because their horny and their not really inloved to each other... being inlove with someone was always start from the heart and it will always be...

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3 years ago

yes dear....true

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3 years ago