For a beautiful female smile

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4 years ago

The influence of hormonal changes on the development of gingivitis accompanies women throughout life. From puberty, when elevated levels of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen cause increased blood flow to the gums, and thus their increased sensitivity, to changes during pregnancy, during menstrual cycles and in menopause.

Hormonal changes should therefore not be something to be feared, but an opportunity to reflect on whether we are really doing everything for thorough oral hygiene, which significantly reduces the risk of periodontal inflammation.

Every healthy smile is beautiful, but it can be like from a movie, perfect and dazzling. There are several reasons for aesthetic dental treatment: professional necessity, step into a new life, personal satisfaction. Aesthetic dental procedures include various methods to improve both the appearance and function of teeth.

Nature cannot make us aesthetic in accordance with modern standards. Everyone has a mistake that makes them feel less desirable, and we try to eliminate this with the help of "external interventions". Let us remember the times when women wore corsets to squeeze their waist and thus emphasize the hips, that is, the part of the body that men subconsciously associate with fertility. And today is no different. When nature starts to gray our hair, we start coloring it to maintain a youthful look, thus remaining attractive and desirable.

You can help yourself with this toothbrush.An electric toothbrush removes more plaque than a hand-held toothbrush.

An electric toothbrush is a safe and gentle way to maintain the health of your dental cavity.

Philips sonic care for her and him.

What type of toothbrush you are using?

Write me in comment your opinion.

Thank you.Best wishes to all.

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Written by
4 years ago


u dve boje da bi se prodale dve cetkice, inace dovoljna je jedna za celu porodicu, samo se promeni glava pre upotrebe :D

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4 years ago

Tipovi električnih četkica za zube Prema vrsti delovanja električne četkice, mogu se razlikovati brojni tipovi četkica za zube koji kao pogon koriste električnu energiju.

Među poznatije četkice spadaju one kojima se vibracija prenosi bočno sa jedne na drugu stranu. Drugi tip je električna četkica koja može da vibrira u dva pravca i da menja smerove u zavisnosti od toga kako vama odgovara.

Kružne četkice su one četkice kojima glava rotira u jednom pravcu, krećući se u krug, a koja je odlična za čišćenje površine sekutića. Zanimljivo je da se u poslednje vreme pojavljuju četkice koje koriste ultrazvučne frekvencije – veće od 20 kilo herca.

Tipovi električnih četkica mogu se razlikovati i prema brzini pokreta. U zavisnosti od frekvencije pokreta, četkice mogu biti sporije i brže.

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

Je li se ovo "za nju i za njega" razlikuje samo po boji drške ili i veličini dodirne površine?

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4 years ago

ja mislim,da samo po boji

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4 years ago