When you decide to let go, don't go back!

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Avatar for TeacherLynlyn
1 year ago

I understand that you once cherished those moments. You can do this! Remain in the "present," and stay with God!

It would be best if you didn't keep thinking back on the past. You're already here. Go on moving. Lord will stand up for you. Even if you may miss some things and people, you should consciously choose to be happy where you are right now.

On some days, you may consciously avoid images that might bring up that season or your past. And it's alright. You are permitted to sway. You're entitled to experience weakness from time to time.

It's OK to break.

If something isn't right, it's acceptable not to act like it is. It's OK to crumble. You're allowed to be angry. Weep if you need to. Once correctly processed and expressed, those feelings are beneficial. It implies that you fought for something that you held in high regard. Trust that God will put you back together as you go along.

But you need to turn around. Get up. Activate that smile once more. You will find plenty of sunshine waiting for you. The coming of spring is imminent. You are now being released by the cold season.

Beloved, dance with your new season.

God is advising us to set the past aside so that we can get new testimonies.

God will see you through and complete the work He began in you. You've gone this far; it's alright to take a break; even when you take a break, you'll still finish the marathon.

You'll realize when you look back that your scars have given you strength, and your wounds have given you stories.

You are part of God's plan.

This is a gentle reminder that God already has plans for you to prosper rather than harm you, even before you think of your own.

You need to ask Him, look for His will, wait for His promises, and take pleasure in Him. You won't ever be let down or abandoned if you put your faith in God rather than your plans.

In God's timeline

God's timeline never wastes a cause. No matter your situation's difficulty, God will use it to bring you closer to Him. In light of this, I implore you to seek, adore, and trust God more. He is a God who does not let the pain go to waste.

I have a deep conviction that everything happens for a reason.

God may use an unexpected delay to keep you safe. A prayer being granted may be God's redirection. God may be using a protracted waiting period to teach you how to perceive and be patient.

So keep this in mind the next time you want to complain: God sees the broader picture. He is up to something, and I surrender.

These are the ideas that keep returning to my head as I'm walking. This is a friendly reminder for everyone, and I would appreciate it if you gave it your full attention.

Good evening to all! Enjoy your weekend, guys! God bless.

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Avatar for TeacherLynlyn
1 year ago


God is best planner indeed and he has best thing for us we just be patient and looking forward with tranquil.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Indeed, Thankyou for sharing your thought .And yes, God is always the best! God bless you. 🤗

$ 0.00
1 year ago

God's Plan is the best sis. Fighting always sis. Kumusta kana pala. Di ako masyado active dito.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Okey lang sis! 😘Mukhang busy ka nga sis, ikaw kumusta na? nabusy din ako ngayon.huhu

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Oo sis nabusy ako. Same tayo nito. Ang dami ko ngang absent dito sis.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are igniting the spark which lies inside you. More power to you girl.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank you for the compliment! ♥️ God bless and thank you for dropping by. 🤗

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I do believe that everything happens for a reason. It may be dofficult to figure it out at first but in the right time you will realize its significance in your life.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Indeed, thank you for sharing your though. Life is so unpredictable, but everything happens for a reason ♥️🤗 Thank you for dropping by.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are talking like my friend "Arshia" she also speak in this manner "it's okay to take break'

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Oh, It will be a great pleasure to meet your friend, Arshia ♥️ So glad that we have the same perspective. Thank you for dropping by ♥️🤗

$ 0.00
1 year ago