Today, I saw a post, and it says: "To lose patience is to lose the battle"

I am waiting for so long, for the thing that I prayed for 3 years now. There so many delayed chances and denied opportunities that I encountered, but I am still patiently waiting.

There are times that I already give-up and accept the idea that maybe it's not for me.

But today, as I read this post, I just realized that maybe God wants me to have more patience, and make me think that everything happens for a reason. He also wants me to believe the power of time and His will.

So now, I am just holding it tight, surrendering it to God, and believing that one day, I will received the thing tha I am waiting.

Goodmorning everyone, have a great Tuesday! ❤️

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@TeacherLynlyn posted 2 months ago


That's the spirit! If it's meant to be yours no matter how long it takes , it will be given to you in God's perfect time. Magandang buhay TeacherLyn!

$ 0.00
2 months ago

Tama po, and I always believe in the power of God's time. God bless po and magandang buhay din po 🥰

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1 month ago