Color Green is My Favourite!

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1 year ago

Good evening to all! What's up, everyone? I hope everything is okay! God bless you all, guys!

I used to adore everything around me when I was organizing and cleaning my table, mainly because it was green.

Yes, green is my favourite colour.

Colours have a great deal of power.

Never undervalue the influence of colour, whether from a psychological or spiritual perspective. There is science behind it, and whether you know it or not, it affects you daily. Large corporations utilize it as a branding strategy to influence your perceptions of them.

The Shade of Green

The colour green represents harmony, balance, and progress.

Green is associated with harmony and balance. According to colour psychology, it is the supreme stabilizer of the heart and the emotions, bringing a connection between nature and the head.

Green is the colour of growth, spring, renewal, and rebirth, according to the meaning of colours. It replenishes and regenerates spent energy. It serves as our haven from the pressures of modern life and gives us back our sense of well-being. This explains why this calming hue is so prevalent on Earth and why we should preserve it.

Green is an emotionally uplifting colour that enables us to love and care for ourselves and others unconditionally. It must resist the temptation to become a martyr while being a natural peacemaker.

It is observant and related to the social worker, counsellor, and good listener. The volunteer is also an excellent parent and a helpful neighbour.

Green encourages a love of the outdoors as well as a love of one's home, family, and friends. It is the colour of the homebody, the gracious host, and the gardener.

Although it is kind and likes to give, it also seeks praise. It is amiable and capable of maintaining privacy.

This colour symbolizes stability and perseverance, giving us the fortitude to persevere in facing difficulty.

The colour green is associated with affluence, finance, and material richness. It has to do with commerce, property, and real estate. Green evokes a sense of safety via prosperity.

The personality colour green denotes a person who is calm, diplomatic, and appreciates fostering harmony in their community.

You possess a certain amount of vigour, mental clarity, and calmness, giving you the ideal balance of the body and the mind.

It is difficult for me to choose a favourite shade of green because there are so many different ones, but all shade of green is the best.

Green represents life on Earth and the idea that we should cherish our planet because it provides so much.

Greener environments make for better environments, and better environments make for better lives.

I adore the significance of the colour green and how it influences my life as a person, even though not all these traits perfectly described me as a human. 

Others might find this applicable, while others might not. Be a cheerful and decent person at all times, regardless of the colours you preferred.

What about you? What is your favourite colour?

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1 year ago


I also like green color because it seems so refreshing and pleasant to my eyes all the time.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Indeed, whenever I see green color, my heart so calm and at peace💚

$ 0.00
1 year ago

One of the favorite colors too. I like green!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That's good to know 💚

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Green has a lot of value. I love nature and so much of it is associated with green. You make a good case for why green should be ones favorite color.

It's hard for me to pick a favorite, I know I have changed my mind over the years, haha. I do like blue and silver though. Some representations are the sky, the water, and some fish.

$ 0.05
1 year ago

All colors are beautiful, depending on how others see them, but green for me is always the best, and it never changed over the years. 🤗 Blue and silver are good colors too. 🤗

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I agree. I think all colors serve a purpose. I couldn't imagine a world with out color.

$ 0.00
1 year ago